how to setup QT tank for fast work on Hyposalinty


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Mar 12, 2018
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hey guys, im trying to do hyposalinty to cure my tang and other fish from Ich, the tang isnt doing very well so need to be quick about this..
so my general idea is to buy a 20g tank, sponge filter, mini 50gph pump to move the water alittle, and heater...
now i was thinking of taking out 5g of water from my current tank and 5g of freshly made water adding them into the QT and taking out a big piece of live rock taking that and putting it into the QT aswell
then transfer over the fish let them adjust for a few hours and slowly bring down that salinity of the tank would this keep the bioload in check? without having to cycle the tank completely and having major ammonia jumps?
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  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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