How to Quarantine

Big G

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Coppersafe. I know there is research now that @Big G and @4FordFamily and some others are doing about coppersafe, but I just finished a treatment with it and it was true to dosage. I also have the checker to keep tabs on it as well now.
Actually that was all @HotRocks He got the ball rolling and rocking with the Hanna Copper Checker and brought the problems with Coppersafe into focus.
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Actually that was all @HotRocks He got the ball rolling and rocking with the Hanna Copper Checker and brought the problems with Coppersafe into focus.

There were plenty of you that jumped in immediately and helped contribute quite a bit
Coppersafe. I know there is research now that @Big G and @4FordFamily and some others are doing about coppersafe, but I just finished a treatment with it and it was true to dosage. I also have the checker to keep tabs on it as well now.

I would dose as instructed 5ml into 4gallons both measured precisely to get a good baseline with your Hanna checker to be safe, if you are going to have them dose while you are away.


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General cure could be used as well. It would be the same as using prazi and metro.

Metroplex doesn't cover all bacteria. But it covers Brook as well.
I've got General Cure on hand. Does it replace both prazi & metroplex? Can I add it during the 2-4 wk observation period or does that period need to be completely non-medicated?
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I've got General Cure on hand. Does it replace both prazi & metroplex? Can I add it during the 2-4 wk observation period or does that period need to be completely non-medicated?

GC contains the same meds that prazi/metro have, so it should be a suitable substitution.

I personally go with 7-14 days of observation after Prazi/Metro. Completely med free (This varies from person to person) I think it boils down to what kind of tolerance you have for risk.
Which gives you 3-4 weeks total of observation after copper has been removed to make sure the fish are Ich/Velvet free.


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GC contains the same meds that prazi/metro have, so it should be a suitable substitution.

I personally go with 7-14 days of observation after Prazi/Metro. Completely med free (This varies from person to person) I think it boils down to what kind of tolerance you have for risk.
Which gives you 3-4 weeks total of observation after copper has been removed to make sure the fish are Ich/Velvet free.

Do you dose both Prazi & Metro at the same time or are they interchangeable?

My tolerance for risk has been tempered greatly by my one experience with Ich/Velvet or whatever it was.
I'm retired and my tolerance for risk with my investments is higher than my tolerance for risk with my aquarium! How's that for having one's priorities in order?

Big G

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Do you dose both Prazi & Metro at the same time or are they interchangeable?
General Cure contains both meds. The dosage of Praziquantel in it is a bit lower and easier on fish. It's a powder and best delivered into the tank via a brine shrimp net. Place the net half way into the water. Pour in the GC. Massage the net, expressing the GC into the tank. Wait 5-7 days. Then do 25% water change. Dose again. Wait 5-7 days. Observe.
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General Cure contains both meds. The dosage of Praziquantel in it is a bit lower and easier on fish. It's a powder and best delivered into the tank via a brine shrimp net. Place the net half way into the water. Pour in the GC. Massage the net, expressing the GC into the tank. Wait 5-7 days. Then do 25% water change. Dose again. Wait 5-7 days. Observe.
Thanks for the brine shrimp net suggestion. Ordered one this AM. GC package says for Parasitic Fish Disease. Do you use something else for bacteria?


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Tank transfer method. You can search R2R or Google it for more information. I have never done it so I am the last person you would want to provide an educated answer. I will probably find others alternatives.
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Hello to all,

I'm sorry if this has been asked and replied to before, but since the amount of posts in this thread I was unable to read them all.
Since I live in Belgium, it is impossible for me to get most (if not all) products/medications mentioned here.
Or atleast not whitout paying a huge amount of money for shipping if they even get cleared through customs.

Having had a huge lost of fish in the past and seeing it happening to a friend now, I've decided to get a QT system starting.
I've rescued a pair of clownfish from said friend which i suspect to have Brooklynella (I'll post a pic when I get home from work)
They are in a separate tank atm with a heater and an airstone.

I've not been able to purshase Acriflavine-MS, Ruby Reef Rally, Seachem MetroPlex, Metro-MS or Hikari Metro+ since it is not available here.
I did however find
Which is 1% Acriflavine (Acriflavine-ms is 6% if I'm correct)
So will this work?

For the future I'll be setting up a QT system in a spare room in my house, could someone point me out to decent alternatives to
- Coppersafe or Cupramine
- Prazipro
- Metro-ms
and/or other basic QT medications


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Big G

captain dunsel
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Can we use a sponge filter instead of a HOB
I use both an HOB and a sponge/bubble filter. Works great. With seeded sponges in both and seeded ceramic material in the HOB - zero ammonia in the QT.
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Can we use a sponge filter instead of a HOB

The answers that others gave is correct. But if you are going to do it prepare to do a few water changes.
I have two 20g qt with HOB’s and sponge filters one of my HOB impeller went on me so the sponge filter is the only thing working in that qt I had to do a lot of WC to deal with ammonia issues.

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Amazing write up...I am new to the reefing hobby and have an amazing lfs in town that is willing to ‘quarentine’ the fish first in their individual tanks and then their display tanks for a 4-6 weeks. I started my tank with water from their display tanks and my salinity is a perfect match to their tanks. Is it reasonable to have them ‘quarantine’ the fish for a month after I purchase them, then temperature acclimate and release once I get them home? Or do you think I should still go through the QT process at home?

Josh Kraft

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Amazing write up...I am new to the reefing hobby and have an amazing lfs in town that is willing to ‘quarentine’ the fish first in their individual tanks and then their display tanks for a 4-6 weeks. I started my tank with water from their display tanks and my salinity is a perfect match to their tanks. Is it reasonable to have them ‘quarantine’ the fish for a month after I purchase them, then temperature acclimate and release once I get them home? Or do you think I should still go through the QT process at home?

Are you sure that the water actually came from their display tanks? I've never heard of anything like that.

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Are you sure that the water actually came from their display tanks? I've never heard of anything like that.

Definitely sure...I’m setting up a 75g Cube, so they do a water change from one of there large display tanks for about 40-50 gallons of cycled water, bring it to the house to set up the tank, then top it off with fresh salt water...

Josh Kraft

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Definitely sure...I’m setting up a 75g Cube, so they do a water change from one of there large display tanks for about 40-50 gallons of cycled water, bring it to the house to set up the tank, then top it off with fresh salt water...

Interesting. I'm curious to see what others will say, but if I was in your situation, this is what I would do (you won't like this).

Since you have no idea what was in that water, I would let the tank sit fallow (no fish) for 76 days.

Around day 40 I would buy my first fish, and keep them in a QT tank. Here I always treat, others just monitor. When day 76 comes around and if you are comfortable with the fish in QT, add them to the display.

If you don't do a fallow period, if something goes wrong in your tank, you won't know if it was a new addition, or if it came from the original tank water.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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