How to Quarantine


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Is there a better way to read the API copper test? Maybe I'm just color blind but I can't tell the differences. I don't think I'm at 0.5 but I'm afraid to dose anymore just in case I am wrong. Should I buy Seachem copper test kit instead? Has anyone had better luck with this kit? Thanks.

Coppersafe should be kept at 2ppm and you should view the test from the top of the tube, looking down.

I also wouldn't advise using any ammonia reducers like Prime with any copper product. It's a risk no matter what type of copper you are using. Some people have done it with no bad results, but it's not something I recommend doing.


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Got home to a messy pulp of what used to be a beautiful red head Solon wrasse☹️

I am getting really tired of this prophylactic treatment... I want to do things the correct way and understand the concept but I have lost at this point far more fish to cupramine than I ever did from disease.

And no, there is no copper power or coppersafe over here.


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Got home to a messy pulp of what used to be a beautiful red head Solon wrasse☹️

I am getting really tired of this prophylactic treatment... I want to do things the correct way and understand the concept but I have lost at this point far more fish to cupramine than I ever did from disease.

And no, there is no copper power or coppersafe over here.

I'm sorry sweetie. :( Maybe it's time to try TTM instead?
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I'm sorry sweetie. :( Maybe it's time to try TTM instead?

The "sweetie" alone already made me happier [emoji4]

I know... but the problem is that I work abroad so would need to ask someone if they could perform at least one of the transfers every week. And given you cannot allow 1min over 72 hours to do the transfer or the process resets I would not trust anyone to do it for me. The other problem with TTM is that it would not cure velvet, as far as I am aware...


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The "sweetie" alone already made me happier [emoji4]

I know... but the problem is that I work abroad so would need to ask someone if they could perform at least one of the transfers every week. And given you cannot allow 1min over 72 hours to do the transfer or the process resets I would not trust anyone to do it for me. The other problem with TTM is that it would not cure velvet, as far as I am aware...

Ahh. I see the problem. What type of copper have you been using? Ionic? Even if you don't have Copper Power or Copper Safe, you might be able to find a chelated copper of a different name.


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I use cupramine. Unfortunately it is the only available copper medicine over here ☹️

Dang. ok. So how quickly are you raising the level of copper from 0 when you introduce a new fish?
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This time I did 5 days. 0,1 per day until reaching 0,5. My kole Tang is still ok.

Sounds like you're doing it right. Not using any Prime or other ammonia reducers right? Nothing near the QT that might introduce a toxin right? Air fresheners (plug ins or other types)?


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Nope. Never did add Prime as I know it interacts with cupramine making it toxic. Only use 0 TDS RO/DI and never had any air scent devices of any kind. Tank is running for almost one year and media was in the sump of my main tank for months prior. No ammonia detectable either.

I have bought three different bottles of cupramine as I though the problem should be mine otherwise forums should be littered with cupramine horror stories. However, I have had numerous healthy fishes doing great I. The QT only to end up dying when I started cupramine.

I might try TTM or simply observing the fish for 6-8 weeks plus prazi. But I think I am done killing them with cupramine.


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Nope. Never did add Prime as I know it interacts with cupramine making it toxic. Only use 0 TDS RO/DI and never had any air scent devices of any kind. Tank is running for almost one year and media was in the sump of my main tank for months prior. No ammonia detectable either.

I have bought three different bottles of cupramine as I though the problem should be mine otherwise forums should be littered with cupramine horror stories. However, I have had numerous healthy fishes doing great I. The QT only to end up dying when I started cupramine.

I might try TTM or simply observing the fish for 6-8 weeks plus prazi. But I think I am done killing them with cupramine.

Well, let me throw this in the mix before you swear off cupramine. There are bacterias out there that can linger on after the fish that brought it into the tank has died. It can then go on to infect and kill other fish with compromised immune systems or who are at least stressed enough they can't fight it off on their own. That could explain why you lose some fish when you start copper and not others (more than you probably would just from copper sensitivity). In this case (and I know this will pain you or at least irritate) I suggest sterilizing the QT and all equipment therein. Use either Vinegar or Bleach, wipe down, rinse and let dry for a few days before using again. After that, if you still lose fish like you have been while using copper, then try it another way.
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Thanks, but I have done that in the past already. I do not believe this is the case because I have had fish in QT for almost a month and the moment I start cupramine immediately some stop eating, others become apathetic, and some times some die. I believe I tend to loose the more sensitive ones, such as tangs (acanthurus and zebrasomas) and now the Wrasse... let's see if the kole will make it...


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Thanks, but I have done that in the past already. I do not believe this is the case because I have had fish in QT for almost a month and the moment I start cupramine immediately some stop eating, others become apathetic, and some times some die. I believe I tend to loose the more sensitive ones, such as tangs (acanthurus and zebrasomas) and now the Wrasse... let's see if the kole will make it...

Probably just sensitive to the copper then. Some fish just can't take it. Sorry hun :( I hope the kole makes it all the way through!


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Meredith, thanks for your advise. I will stop using Prime and do more frequent WC.

However, I'm still confused with the copper level. I went to Fritz's website and it stated that the therapeutic range of copper is 0.15ppm – 0.20ppm but I went to an online store site and it said the same thing you did @ 2ppm. Which is the correct amount? I followed the direction on the back, which is 1 tsp or 5ml for every 4 gallon.


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Meredith, thanks for your advise. I will stop using Prime and do more frequent WC.

However, I'm still confused with the copper level. I went to Fritz's website and it stated that the therapeutic range of copper is 0.15ppm – 0.20ppm but I went to an online store site and it said the same thing you did @ 2ppm. Which is the correct amount? I followed the direction on the back, which is 1 tsp or 5ml for every 4 gallon.

for Chelated copper like coppersafe it's 2ppm. Ionic copper like Cupramine is .5ppm Those are the correct levels for each. I rarely even read the bottles anymore because most of the time it's outdated info.


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Probably just sensitive to the copper then. Some fish just can't take it. Sorry hun :( I hope the kole makes it all the way through!

Thanks, most fish (except perhaps the clowns) were always affected by the treatment. Some would stop eating (but still made it through) like Anthias, orchid dottyback or even flame angel. However this was always at 0,25-0,35 concentrations.

At 0,5 I never had a single one make it through.

Others did not even handle 0,35. These included two yellow tangs, one PBT, one Japonicus, one lawnmower blenny, and now the wrasse.


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for Chelated copper like coppersafe it's 2ppm. Ionic copper like Cupramine is .5ppm Those are the correct levels for each. I rarely even read the bottles anymore because most of the time it's outdated info.

Are you sure that Coppersafe is chelated? They specifically state in their web:

"The unique formulation of Coppersafe[emoji768] solution maintains a total copper level of .15 ppm to .20 ppm when used as directed. Copper test kits that measure Chelated Copper will help you to actively monitor copper levels when using Coppersafe[emoji768] solution."
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Are you sure that Coppersafe is chelated? They specifically state in their web:

"The unique formulation of Coppersafe[emoji768] solution maintains a total copper level of .15 ppm to .20 ppm when used as directed. Copper test kits that measure Chelated Copper will help you to actively monitor copper levels when using Coppersafe[emoji768] solution."
It is chelated, which is why you need the copper test kits that measure chelated copper to actively monitor the copper levels.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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