@gcarroll -- Start weaning people off RC and SoCali. If you keep feeding the strays at RC they aren't gonna come here. During your next announcement tell them at RC and SoCali that if they aren't at Clay-Boa, they're going to be missing all event information. We don't need 1500 people at our events. If they can't follow directions, their loss.
This is our sub. Gifted to us for our business. If we want it to take off, we need to make it the exclusive information hub.
Also @gcarroll -- Every time @mdbannister doesn't make an event we remove him from christmas.
This is our sub. Gifted to us for our business. If we want it to take off, we need to make it the exclusive information hub.
Also @gcarroll -- Every time @mdbannister doesn't make an event we remove him from christmas.