Hi guys. New to reefing and I have two new tanks under 6 months old. Seems like I’m hitting the ugly stage. This is a first for me so I don't want to combat things the wrong way. One tank seems to have Dinos, and another seems to have Cyano. One tank is maturing pretty well with only the sand turning brown during daylight hours and then going away a little bit by night. Never gets too overwhelming. I think my strategy is to just ride it out and see how nature takes its course. I'll probably add some more CUC and a sand sifter to combat this problem.. On the other hand my other tank seems to be fighting this red/pink/purpleish algae heavily and I'm afraid its going to suffocate some corals soon. It appears as this strand hair like effect. It also seems to bubble up air bubbles on the rock. Im having trouble determining what type of Algae this is but my guess is Cyano? If someone could help me diagnose this and help me figure out a solution to combat this, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Both tanks have Nitrates anywhere from 10-20 depending on age of water change (weekly wc). But Phosphates I can't seem to get up past 0 even with heavy feeding.
Things i've been considering to combat this algae problem is
- Feeding heavier
- Dosing light TM Phos Feed
- Chemi Clean
- Coral Snow
- Cyano Clean
- NO3O4-X Reducer
I'm scared to add chemicals to the tank in fear of its potential negative effects. Im having trouble deciding what to do. If anyone has an article they can link me to to read more on algae war, i'd appreciate it! Thank you!
Both tanks have Nitrates anywhere from 10-20 depending on age of water change (weekly wc). But Phosphates I can't seem to get up past 0 even with heavy feeding.
Things i've been considering to combat this algae problem is
- Feeding heavier
- Dosing light TM Phos Feed
- Chemi Clean
- Coral Snow
- Cyano Clean
- NO3O4-X Reducer
I'm scared to add chemicals to the tank in fear of its potential negative effects. Im having trouble deciding what to do. If anyone has an article they can link me to to read more on algae war, i'd appreciate it! Thank you!