How much would you prefer to see "primary species included" on the label of aquarium microbial products?


Kenneth Wingerter

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In light of the ongoing uproar over UWC's apparent mislabeling of Vibrant, I'm left wondering... When will aquarium hobbyists demand that the contents of live microbial products ("bacteria-in-a-bottle," if you will) be explicitly identified? It may be true that there is no regulatory body outright requiring these companies to disclose such contents. However, consumer demand might compel many of the companies to volunteer this info accurately, completely and truthfully.

There is significant value in this info. For example, a consumer wouldn't needlessly waste money dosing their system with two products that contain the same species. Moreover, they would be better able to compare the cost/value of different products. The consumer could weigh a manufacturer's claims against the known properties of the species. They could add each different product in a prescribed, most efficacious order. They certainly could develop a more deliberate inoculation strategy, and even measure their success by monitoring the changes in abundances of these known species through services such as those offered by Aquabiomics. And of course, it would be much easier to lay bare any deceptive labeling.

I personally believe that most of the companies out there are producing great products and proudly serve the hobby/industry to the best of their ability. In most cases, I think, manufacturers withhold this information simply out of fear that others will copy them. Which is completely understandable. As someone who himself manages a company that cultures microbial products, I totally get the concern about copycats. Lord knows that we see this all the time with pods, phyto, etc. But ultimately I think that the consumer not only deserves this info, but also truly needs it to be able to provide the best possible environment for the animals in their care. Even further, our collective body of anecdotal data concerning microbial products would be much more meaningful and revealing and useful if this critical piece of info was available.

Over the many years I worked as a humble LFS store employee, I acted in my own (direct) interest only in the fourth order; third was in the interest of the company I worked for, second was in the interest of the customer, and foremost was the interest of the animals in our care. I get that this is a business, but I also think that if profit is your primary (or even sole) objective, then you should probably consider getting into a different kind of business. Seriously.

While I recognize the right of honest businesses to withhold certain kinds proprietary info (as we certainly do), I also would encourage a little more transparency. I mean, can you imagine if we were satisfied with labels that only said "fish food" or "pH increaser?" How many of us would ever order a generic "coral" from an online vendor? To me, that's pretty much what buying most microbial products is like right now. As someone who is both a tree-hugger and a hardcore capitalist, I say this... If you're going to copy us, go right ahead. And if you develop a better product than ours, congrats. But I will work my aZ$ off to beat you back. And all of this will be in the best interest of the animals (and therefore the consumer, and pretty much everyone really).

Not even asking that manufacturers list the culture medium ingredients, or provide a CFU number, or identify the live contents to the level of strain or even species... But come on, not even the genus? To say the least, something like "95% bacterial blend" doesn't meet any meaningful standard or even make much sense. If the allegations against UWC turn out to be true (I sincerely hope they're not), then maybe we should all reflect upon all the marinelife that potentially could have been spared if the hobby/industry had been able to check the manufacturer's claims sooner and better. Hell, Vibrant may not have ever existed, certainly not as it has been marketed.

That's my rant. Your thoughts?
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Kenneth Wingerter

Kenneth Wingerter

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That would be nice, but from a competition standpoint - unless they're legally compelled to - I just don't see it happening.
Hi blaxsun. Yeah, I agree that not many companies would want to disclose that info. And I for one don't expect any such legal requirement coming any time soon. What I'm wondering out loud is whether or not pressure (let's call it strong encouragement) from the hobby could compell them to towards voluntery disclosure, and how much pressure that might take. Or specifically what type of pressure would be most convincing to them?


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It's really hard to say. A lot of people are going to vote with their wallet over this whole Vibrant thing, but there are also a lot of new people entering the hobby every year who will be completely oblivious to any issue.


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It's really hard to say. A lot of people are going to vote with their wallet over this whole Vibrant thing, but there are also a lot of new people entering the hobby every year who will be completely oblivious to any issue.

Especially since the larger scene seems to be not really picking it up and running with it.

Typically viral stuff like this tends to get picked up first by a whistleblower(s), and then small communities where it grows until the larger communities have to address it. Unfortunately this hobby is small, and the most influential communities tend to be places that are sponsored or have an interest in keeping that info private (BRS, R2R, SWA) so I doubt we will hear anything about this within a couple years once the thread that Randy started has died.

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From a typical reef aquarium hobbyist's point of view I think that as long as the product is actually made up of what is stated on the label (algaecide, bacteria, etc.) and does what it is advertised to do (without unpredictable or unstated negative side effects), then that would likely be enough for most. For bacteria, fungia, etc., disclosing the genus and/or species would be a 'nice have', but I don't believe it would be a sales driver for the vast majority of reef aquarists.


Anthony Scholfield

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In light of the ongoing uproar over UWC's apparent mislabeling of Vibrant, I'm left wondering... When will aquarium hobbyists demand that the contents of live microbial products ("bacteria-in-a-bottle," if you will) be explicitly identified? It may be true that there is no regulatory body outright requiring these companies to disclose such contents. However, consumer demand might compel many of the companies to volunteer this info accurately, completely and truthfully.

There is significant value in this info. For example, a consumer wouldn't needlessly waste money dosing their system with two products that contain the same species. Moreover, they would be better able to compare the cost/value of different products. The consumer could weigh a manufacturer's claims against the known properties of the species. They could add each different product in a prescribed, most efficacious order. They certainly could develop a more deliberate inoculation strategy, and even measure their success by monitoring the changes in abundances of these known species through services such as those offered by Aquabiomics. And of course, it would be much easier to lay bare any deceptive labeling.

I personally believe that most of the companies out there are producing great products and proudly serve the hobby/industry to the best of their ability. In most cases, I think, manufacturers withhold this information simply out of fear that others will copy them. Which is completely understandable. As someone who himself manages a company that cultures microbial products, I totally get the concern about copycats. Lord knows that we see this all the time with pods, phyto, etc. But ultimately I think that the consumer not only deserves this info, but also truly needs it to be able to provide the best possible environment for the animals in their care. Even further, our collective body of anecdotal data concerning microbial products would be much more meaningful and revealing and useful if this critical piece of info was available.

Over the many years I worked as a humble LFS store employee, I acted in my own (direct) interest only in the fourth order; third was in the interest of the company I worked for, second was in the interest of the customer, and foremost was the interest of the animals in our care. I get that this is a business, but I also think that if profit is your primary (or even sole) objective, then you should probably consider getting into a different kind of business. Seriously.

While I recognize the right of honest businesses to withhold certain kinds proprietary info (as we certainly do), I also would encourage a little more transparency. I mean, can you imagine if we were satisfied with labels that only said "fish food" or "pH increaser?" How many of us would ever order a generic "coral" from an online vendor? To me, that's pretty much what buying most microbial products is like right now. As someone who is both a tree-hugger and a hardcore capitalist, I say this... If you're going to copy us, go right ahead. And if you develop a better product than ours, congrats. But I will work my aZ$ off to beat you back. And all of this will be in the best interest of the animals (and therefore the consumer, and pretty much everyone really).

Not even asking that manufacturers list the culture medium ingredients, or provide a CFU number, or identify the live contents to the level of strain or even species... But come on, not even the genus? To say the least, something like "95% bacterial blend" doesn't meet any meaningful standard or even make much sense. If the allegations against UWC turn out to be true (I sincerely hope they're not), then maybe we should all reflect upon all the marinelife that potentially could have been spared if the hobby/industry had been able to check the manufacturer's claims sooner and better. Hell, Vibrant may not have ever existed, certainly not as it has been marketed.

That's my rant. Your thoughts?
Fantastic and well said :) I agree with you.


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Believe it or not, a little while ago when I was using multiple probiotic supplements that weren't so cheap to say the least, I was able to convince one of the companies who made one of the products to tell me what probiotic bacteria was in it even though they refused at first...the other products had no problem listing their bacterial strains (or some of them at least) and I really didn't want to spend even more money only to supplement the exact same bacterial strain so I decided to put a little scare in them after they rudely refused to give me any info at all about the product...long story short, they ended up telling me what was in it...


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0   0   0 a.scientist. can microscope pics here of said thing?! Yes I can..
Do I care to? No I don't.
If u can't use mcgoogle it's on you...
Same goes for these bottle products. If you can't decide what's real and what's needed vs what's a waste of $...well its.on you.
To request.something no one has an answer to is silly to me. Carry on. Keep on trucking. Go fly a.kite...what's the phrase? Lol
Kenneth Wingerter

Kenneth Wingerter

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Believe it or not, a little while ago when I was using multiple probiotic supplements that weren't so cheap to say the least, I was able to convince one of the companies who made one of the products to tell me what probiotic bacteria was in it even though they refused at first...the other products had no problem listing their bacterial strains (or some of them at least) and I really didn't want to spend even more money only to supplement the exact same bacterial strain so I decided to put a little scare in them after they rudely refused to give me any info at all about the product...long story short, they ended up telling me what was in it...
Sad that a person would be treated rudely simply for asking a legitimate question. Glad your persistence worked though haha.


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Sad that a person would be treated rudely simply for asking a legitimate question. Glad your persistence worked though haha.
Thank you...if some of these supplements weren't so pricey I wouldn't mind so much using a possible duplicate product but with what they want to charge (and rudely dismiss a customer who happens to really like the company and buy a lot of their products) I just felt a little insulted, especially since the product from the other company I use did list their ingredients and all I wanted to know if any ingredient at all was the same
Nutramar Foods
Kenneth Wingerter

Kenneth Wingerter

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0   0   0 a.scientist. can microscope pics here of said thing?! Yes I can..
Do I care to? No I don't.
If u can't use mcgoogle it's on you...
Same goes for these bottle products. If you can't decide what's real and what's needed vs what's a waste of $...well its.on you.
To request.something no one has an answer to is silly to me. Carry on. Keep on trucking. Go fly a.kite...what's the phrase? Lol
What's your point? Because nothing you just said made an iota of sense. If you have anything remotely meaningful to contribute to this discussion, by all means please indulge us. Otherwise, you're just a lame troll and it's you who should pack up and "carry on."


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0   0   0 a.scientist. can microscope pics here of said thing?! Yes I can..
Do I care to? No I don't.
If u can't use mcgoogle it's on you...
Same goes for these bottle products. If you can't decide what's real and what's needed vs what's a waste of $...well its.on you.
To request.something no one has an answer to is silly to me. Carry on. Keep on trucking. Go fly a.kite...what's the phrase? Lol
Was you're incoherent response directed at me?
Top Shelf Aquatics


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It is directed at anybody who wants to read it.
Call me a troll but ur the one trolling the bottle bacteria ppl. Lol.
Like the kettle calling the pot black.
I will take my leave. As my comment wasn't desired.
I read the bottle which said nothing.
Kenneth Wingerter

Kenneth Wingerter

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Believe it or not, a little while ago when I was using multiple probiotic supplements that weren't so cheap to say the least, I was able to convince one of the companies who made one of the products to tell me what probiotic bacteria was in it even though they refused at first...the other products had no problem listing their bacterial strains (or some of them at least) and I really didn't want to spend even more money only to supplement the exact same bacterial strain
Also, there are instances where different species may be selected to work together, enhancing each other's benefits. Makes me think about an encounter I had this weekend at ReefStock with the owner of a very well known company... Manufactures a product that includes undescribed probiotics... A good product too, by many accounts. And a nice guy, I would add. But no matter how hard I politely pressed him, he wouldn't ID the microbe even to the level of genus. To me this is unfortunate, because I think I know what it is, and if it is what I think it is, it has a demonstrated synergistic probiotic effect with the microbe that we culture and sell. In other words, it would be nice to be able to easily know exactly what we're working with if we were to test the two together. Now, I get that there are ways to determine what's in their product. But I also want to respect their desire to keep that info under wraps. So yeah, even if we discovered that our products complimented theirs, and matched results obtained in other studies, it would be considerably more difficult to prove/explain without that critical piece of info.


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Also, there are instances where different species may be selected to work together, enhancing each other's benefits. Makes me think about an encounter I had this weekend at ReefStock with the owner of a very well known company... Manufactures a product that includes undescribed probiotics... A good product too, by many accounts. And a nice guy, I would add. But no matter how hard I politely pressed him, he wouldn't ID the microbe even to the level of genus. To me this is unfortunate, because I think I know what it is, and if it is what I think it is, it has a demonstrated synergistic probiotic effect with the microbe that we culture and sell. In other words, it would be nice to be able to easily know exactly what we're working with if we were to test the two together. Now, I get that there are ways to determine what's in their product. But I also want to respect their desire to keep that info under wraps. So yeah, even if we discovered that our products complimented theirs, and matched results obtained in other studies, it would be considerably more difficult to prove/explain without that critical piece of info.
It was just a total bluff I pulled tbh...I just felt they could have been much more polite which is why I went that route... However, I did tell them the listed bacteria on the other companies bottle and only wanted to know if it was a different strain or not...yes or no.....the scientific name didn't matter to me or anything. If I hadn't have been able to get a straight answer that would been a big waste of money for purely no reason

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