Hi! Back in hobby after 12 years


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May 13, 2023
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Bay Area
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Hi folks!

Just returned to the hobby after a 12 year break; I was an active reefer from 2000-2011 but went on hiatus while I was moving around frequently for career stuff. Now settled in the Bay Area and (fingers crossed) not planning to move anytime soon, so jumped back in.

Thoughts after getting set up this time: OMG THE PROGRESS! It's really awesome to see how far the hobby and the industry has progressed and how much better we can care for the critters now. I'll also admit that I'm kind of a gearhead and really looking forward to exploring all of the new hotness. :cool:

My starting tank this time is a Red Sea Max E170 (link to tank vid), I'm currently running without the add-on sump but plan to do that upgrade in a few months to start prepping for SPS. Tank just hit 30 days and is cycled; clowns went in an hour or so ago, they're a mated pair of Wyoming Whites and just came out of quarantine.

Current state of things:
  1. ~40 pounds of CaribSea Life Rock that I've tried to sculpt into a multi-level 3D honeycomb for lots of fish nooks and zones for SPS, LPS, and softies
  2. Two pieces of live rock rubble from LFS sump (the yellowish chunks in this picture) that just came out of 30 day quarantine
  3. 20lbs of CaribSea special grade live sand
  4. Two Wyoming White Clowns that just came out of 30 day quarantine
  5. Red Sea DIY aquarium cover (yeah it was a PITA, but thankfully I was prepared for suffering so wasn't that bad)
  6. Reef Breeders ATO
  7. BRS 200W titanium heater connected an InkBird temp controller
  8. JUST IN TODAY: Nero 3 that I haven't installed yet -- would love anyone's thoughts on where to best place this fella
Next up: the Clowns are settling in for the next 2 weeks or so without any lights (turned the whites on just for video) and everything is chillin' while I wait and see where nitrates end-up. If all goes well I'll grab a few zoanthids around the beginning of June and start ramping up the lights.

Long-term plans: the Max E170 is a 2-year experiment; assuming everything works out well and I'm still gung-ho at the 2 year mark the plan is to go for a ~600g. Of course. ;-)

I've been lurking here for a few weeks while catching up on the last decade, love the community vibe!
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Peace River

Thrive Master
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Apr 29, 2014
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Welcome to Reef2Reef!!!



Well known Member and monster tank lover
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Aug 11, 2013
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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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Top Shelf Aquatics


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Jun 28, 2020
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Hi folks!

Just returned to the hobby after a 12 year break; I was an active reefer from 2000-2011 but went on hiatus while I was moving around frequently for career stuff. Now settled in the Bay Area and (fingers crossed) not planning to move anytime soon, so jumped back in.

Thoughts after getting set up this time: OMG THE PROGRESS! It's really awesome to see how far the hobby and the industry has progressed and how much better we can care for the critters now. I'll also admit that I'm kind of a gearhead and really looking forward to exploring all of the new hotness. :cool:

My starting tank this time is a Red Sea Max E170 (link to tank vid), I'm currently running without the add-on sump but plan to do that upgrade in a few months to start prepping for SPS. Tank just hit 30 days and is cycled; clowns went in an hour or so ago, they're a mated pair of Wyoming Whites and just came out of quarantine.

Current state of things:
  1. ~40 pounds of CaribSea Life Rock that I've tried to sculpt into a multi-level 3D honeycomb for lots of fish nooks and zones for SPS, LPS, and softies
  2. Two pieces of live rock rubble from LFS sump (the yellowish chunks in this picture) that just came out of 30 day quarantine
  3. 20lbs of CaribSea special grade live sand
  4. Two Wyoming White Clowns that just came out of 30 day quarantine
  5. Red Sea DIY aquarium cover (yeah it was a PITA, but thankfully I was prepared for suffering so wasn't that bad)
  6. Reef Breeders ATO
  7. BRS 200W titanium heater connected an InkBird temp controller
  8. JUST IN TODAY: Nero 3 that I haven't installed yet -- would love anyone's thoughts on where to best place this fella
Next up: the Clowns are settling in for the next 2 weeks or so without any lights (turned the whites on just for video) and everything is chillin' while I wait and see where nitrates end-up. If all goes well I'll grab a few zoanthids around the beginning of June and start ramping up the lights.

Long-term plans: the Max E170 is a 2-year experiment; assuming everything works out well and I'm still gung-ho at the 2 year mark the plan is to go for a ~600g. Of course. ;-)

I've been lurking here for a few weeks while catching up on the last decade, love the community vibe!
Welcome diablo,
Mucho progress with equipmenf.
Looks like you are on your way.
Nutramar Foods
Top Shelf Aquatics
Nutramar Foods

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Dr. Reefs Quarantined Fish