I’d like to get some feedback on stocking for my 75 gallon, 3 ft long tank Innovative Marine 75 Int. I like smaller fish, but I’m worried if something is too small it might get lost.
Currently I have:
Cardinal Pajama - Sphaeramia nematoptera
Firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica
Hectori Goby - Koumansetta hectori
Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus
Fish I’m considering:
I’d like to add a blenny, perhaps another Goby or two, a wrasse or two and in the future a clown or dwarf angel. I’m open to all suggestions. I'd like something active, with a good disposition and at least one herbivore. I'm also not opposed to a small group of something, perhaps some type of Anthias.
Bicolor Blenny - Ecsenius bicolor
Tailspot Blenny - Ecsenius stigmatura
Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
Fairy Wrasse – There are a lot of options in Cirrhilabrus. Perhaps Lubbock Fairy Wrasse (lubbocki), or Exquisite (exquisitus), hooded fairy (bathyphilus).
Court Jester Goby - Koumansetta rainfordi – Might be too small?
Second Watchman Goby – I’ve read a bunch of conflicting opinions, but it seems that my tank is large enough to add a second Watchman Goby. I’m thinking either Diamond Watchman Goby or a Tiger Watchman Goby - Valenciennea puellaris or wardii. I’d appreciate the groups opinion on this. I keep reading conflicting things about Diamonds being picky eaters that need a mature sand bed or that they readily eat frozen and dry foods.
Future Fish:
Pair Pink Skunk Clown - Amphiprion perideraion – I’m finding a lot of conflicting things about their temperament, but they seem to be considered one of the least aggressive clowns. If Ocellaris are less aggressive I’d probably go that route.
Angel Fish probably a coral beauty (Centropyge bispinosa) perhaps a Flame (Centropyge loricula)
Tank Details:
The tank has had fish for about 5 months. It is filled with CaribSea LifeRock and has ~3 inches of CaribSea Special Grade sand. Intention is to fill it with LPS, softies, zoas and some macro algae.
I would like the fish to be relatively invert safe. I enjoy watching crabs and shrimp in the tank. Currently I only have emerald crabs and very small hermits. At some point I will probably add more such as: pistol shrimp, pom pom crab, scarlet or blue leg hermits. If they start going after my coral, it will be a good excuse to rehome them in an invert only nano tank.
I am looking for easy to feed fish, that won’t eat pods. My ultimate goal (stop me if you’ve heard this before ) is to have a Dragonet or two. I starved one back in the late 90’s and I want redemption. I’m currently starting to cultivate phyto and pods. Even with potential for captive bred fish to eat frozen or pellets, I prefer not having anything else compete with the future Mandarin for food.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Currently I have:
Cardinal Pajama - Sphaeramia nematoptera
Firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica
Hectori Goby - Koumansetta hectori
Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus
Fish I’m considering:
I’d like to add a blenny, perhaps another Goby or two, a wrasse or two and in the future a clown or dwarf angel. I’m open to all suggestions. I'd like something active, with a good disposition and at least one herbivore. I'm also not opposed to a small group of something, perhaps some type of Anthias.
Bicolor Blenny - Ecsenius bicolor
Tailspot Blenny - Ecsenius stigmatura
Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
Fairy Wrasse – There are a lot of options in Cirrhilabrus. Perhaps Lubbock Fairy Wrasse (lubbocki), or Exquisite (exquisitus), hooded fairy (bathyphilus).
Court Jester Goby - Koumansetta rainfordi – Might be too small?
Second Watchman Goby – I’ve read a bunch of conflicting opinions, but it seems that my tank is large enough to add a second Watchman Goby. I’m thinking either Diamond Watchman Goby or a Tiger Watchman Goby - Valenciennea puellaris or wardii. I’d appreciate the groups opinion on this. I keep reading conflicting things about Diamonds being picky eaters that need a mature sand bed or that they readily eat frozen and dry foods.
Future Fish:
Pair Pink Skunk Clown - Amphiprion perideraion – I’m finding a lot of conflicting things about their temperament, but they seem to be considered one of the least aggressive clowns. If Ocellaris are less aggressive I’d probably go that route.
Angel Fish probably a coral beauty (Centropyge bispinosa) perhaps a Flame (Centropyge loricula)
Tank Details:
The tank has had fish for about 5 months. It is filled with CaribSea LifeRock and has ~3 inches of CaribSea Special Grade sand. Intention is to fill it with LPS, softies, zoas and some macro algae.
I would like the fish to be relatively invert safe. I enjoy watching crabs and shrimp in the tank. Currently I only have emerald crabs and very small hermits. At some point I will probably add more such as: pistol shrimp, pom pom crab, scarlet or blue leg hermits. If they start going after my coral, it will be a good excuse to rehome them in an invert only nano tank.
I am looking for easy to feed fish, that won’t eat pods. My ultimate goal (stop me if you’ve heard this before ) is to have a Dragonet or two. I starved one back in the late 90’s and I want redemption. I’m currently starting to cultivate phyto and pods. Even with potential for captive bred fish to eat frozen or pellets, I prefer not having anything else compete with the future Mandarin for food.
Thanks for the suggestions.