Help with Dendrophyllia tank? :)


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About two months ago I started cycling a 5-gallon nano tank in my college bedroom. It's not my first saltwater tank but (been reef keeping for about 6 years now), but it is my first nano. Last week, I added my first Dendrophyllia - a single polyp of a "sunburst skittle" dendro. The plan for this tank is to be a Dendrophyllia biotope tank, and I know how easily nps inhabitants can foul the water with frequent feedings, so I'm not planning on adding any other inhabitants. This dendro is my top priority! The tank has no filtration; just a 600gph powerhead and weekly water changes of 1 gallon (with rocks and sand the tank contains about 3.5 gallons). The only lights on the tank are an array of dim, blue LED's that I built. These are just so I can see the coral under some realistic lighting, and I have no intention of growing anything with those btw.

The specific gravity has been 1.026-1.027 this week, Calcium has been 380ppm, and nitrates and phosphates have been around 0. I'm supplimenting with 1 ml each of Kent Marine Nano Reef Part A and B.

After adding the dendro to the tank in an area of medium flow, the dendro was a bit shy and remained half-closed. A few hours after arrival and acclimation, I fed it a small piece of grocery store-bought shrimp (the piece was about the size of the polyp's mouth). After that, the polyp extended it's tentacles and appeared pretty happy for the next few days. Two days later (Saturday), I fed it some Coral Frenzy 0.5mm pellets, and not much changed. On Monday though, he started to retract his tentacles, and remained closed throughout part of the day, only extending about halfway later in the day. I changed some water, worried that it could be a build up of phosphates or ammonia from the food and waste, but he just remained in that state.

After testing the water for phosphates and nitrates and finding good conditions, I thought it might be the relatively high flow. I then moved him to another part of the tank with lower flow, and still no improvement. Yesterday I planted a piece of plastic in the sand in front of him as a sort of windscreen for the flow, but still no improvement.

I may be wrong, but I don't think the flow is the problem here. Last week, the polyp was in an area of way higher flow, and it opened fully all day and all night.

I've continued feeding him, and he is eating. His tentacles are a bit more extended, and he is still eating, but the tentacles look sickly and a bit deflated. Also, the polyp's mouth is gaping as of today, which doesn't look good :( I'll change the water again tomorrow. If you have any ideas to help me return him to his beautiful happy self (like you can see in the first picture, taken last Friday) I'd be very grateful!

Thanks a lot!!!

I've included a picture of the polyp fully extended from last week, a picture when it started to remain closed, as well as a picture from just now and a full tank shot for reference.




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World Wide Corals


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Thank you!
I've been feeding it about 5 pellets every other day last week. To try and get him to open, I fed about 5 early yesterday, then a small piece of shrimp, and 7 today. The polyp seems to remain open after feedings, but only with skinny tentacles. It's tentacles don't look robust like they did a week ago; now they are skinny and flow in the current like hair :(
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Thank you!
I've been feeding it about 5 pellets every other day last week. To try and get him to open, I fed about 5 early yesterday, then a small piece of shrimp, and 7 today. The polyp seems to remain open after feedings, but only with skinny tentacles. It's tentacles don't look robust like they did a week ago; now they are skinny and flow in the current like hair :(
From what I know they like meatier foods but I have seen where people feed them pellets. Do you have any frozen mysis cubes? Does he open up more when all the lights are off?


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I don't have any mysis cubes, but I do have some raw grocery store shrimp in the freezer. He doesn't seem to respond too much to light or darkness, but he does open slightly more when I turn off the desk lamp next to the tank.
Nutramar Foods


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Have you read the article of nps care that is stickied in the lps forum?
Yes, just read it thanks! Seems like dendros can definitely go longer without food, so I'll definitely hold off on feeding him for the next day or so. Now that I think of it, I'm really worried that I overfed him and he's dying from gutrot... :(


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I would maybe try to get some frozen mysis cubes if you can or maybe it doesn't matter idk. As far as I know it's not abnormal for them to close up except when feeding. They open more at night because naturally that's when they feed, that's when the meaty stuff comes out to play. I've seen some people "train" them to be open all the time. Have you seen people use the tubberware method to feed dendros?


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Yes, just read it thanks! Seems like dendros can definitely go longer without food, so I'll definitely hold off on feeding him for the next day or so. Now that I think of it, I'm really worried that I overfed him and he's dying from gutrot... :(
Just give him some time. Try feeding him again in a couple days and maybe try the tubberware method with some mysis.
Nutramar Foods


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I would maybe try to get some frozen mysis cubes if you can or maybe it doesn't matter idk. As far as I know it's not abnormal for them to close up except when feeding. They open more at night because naturally that's when they feed, that's when the meaty stuff comes out to play. I've seen some people "train" them to be open all the time. Have you seen people use the tubberware method to feed dendros?
Yes, I have! What I do is I just shut off the powerhead and drop some pellets on his tentacles. I watch him for a minute to make sure he eats, and he's definitely eating. Just doesn't look too happy generally. I'll definitely try some meatier foods next time I feed him. Do you think I should wait a couple days? The gaping mouth and somewhat retracted tentacles sound suspiciously like gutrot to me, so I don't want to make a bad situation worse, or to overfeed him if he isn't already overfed.


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Yes, I have! What I do is I just shut off the powerhead and drop some pellets on his tentacles. I watch him for a minute to make sure he eats, and he's definitely eating. Just doesn't look too happy generally. I'll definitely try some meatier foods next time I feed him. Do you think I should wait a couple days? The gaping mouth and somewhat retracted tentacles sound suspiciously like gutrot to me, so I don't want to make a bad situation worse, or to overfeed him if he isn't already overfed.
I would wait a couple days. I think people normally only feed them 3 times week but I have seen people feed them once a day. With that said tomorrow night after lights out I would watch him and see if he opens up all the way or not. That will tell ya what's going on. Then try the Tupperware with mysis the next night


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I would wait a couple days. I think people normally only feed them 3 times week but I have seen people feed them once a day. With that said tomorrow night after lights out I would watch him and see if he opens up all the way or not. That will tell ya what's going on. Then try the Tupperware with mysis the next night
Thanks! I'll definitely give him some time and keep an eye on him tomorrow night. What do you think we will learn from whether or not he opens up all the way?
Thanks again!


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Thanks! I'll definitely give him some time and keep an eye on him tomorrow night. What do you think we will learn from whether or not he opens up all the way?
Thanks again!
I would imagine if he fully opens up looking for food that gut rot isn't affecting him. That's just an educated guess though. I can't see him wanting food if he has gut rot


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Does seem like gut rot from what i have read about these guys. Do hold off the feeding for the time being. Worse case is it might sprout new heads when one dies (touchwood of course), keep your water parameters good and monitor.


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Does seem like gut rot from what i have read about these guys. Do hold off the feeding for the time being. Worse case is it might sprout new heads when one dies (touchwood of course), keep your water parameters good and monitor.

Is there anything you (or anyone else) know of that I can do to help the polyp? I feel absolutely awful if it is gutrot :(

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%