For a while now I've been fighting cyano. now ill be honest, it was a lot worse before than it is now, but I am at the point where it just disturbs me when I see it. Before it just went away on its own, I preferred to battle it naturally instead of throwing something like chemiclean in there. sop i started dosing Dr tims Eco balance, and also placed some pieces of live rock from my LFS, which had been in there systems sump for 5-10 Years. I figured by increasing the bio diversity of the tank, the goods will beat out the bads, which it had did for a while now. but now im seeing small patches of cyano coming back on my sand bed. nothing on the rock or corals, just the sand. The tank is now 10 months old. im not sure if its a maturity thing, or if something is off balance. My tank Parameters are the following
Alk: 9.4 DkH
Calc: 430 ppm
Mag: 1480 ppm
PH: 8.1-8.2
Salinity: 33.0
ORP: 260
Temp: 78.0
Nitrate: 14.5
Phosphate: 0.08
Ammonia: 0
Alk: 9.4 DkH
Calc: 430 ppm
Mag: 1480 ppm
PH: 8.1-8.2
Salinity: 33.0
ORP: 260
Temp: 78.0
Nitrate: 14.5
Phosphate: 0.08
Ammonia: 0