Help with Algae Issue Please


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Jan 17, 2020
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Thank you very much for reporting back. That's one thing I'd like to see more on threads with concerns. Some great info here for sure, and I'm glad you resolved the issue!

If you're still concerned about the brown on the sand, a nice sand sifting goby would probably clear that up. Diamond gobies are my favorite since they don't swim upwards with a mouthful of sand, leaving it all over the corals. It's a bit tricky with larger substrate like gravel though. You'd probably need a decent-sized individual to feel comfortable grabbing a mouthful of that.


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Sep 15, 2018
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I want to thank everyone who gave suggestions on eliminating my algae issues (mix of dinos, diatoms & GHA).

I also wanted to provide an update in case anyone was following who has similar issues.

The issue is much improved! After a water change my sand will turn slightly little brown in a few areas (way better than before) about 4-5 days after the water change. All hair type algae is gone from rocks & coral. Some snails still have hair algae.

Actions Taken:
I wasn't conducting a design of experiments to introduce one item at a time as I wanted the improvement as soon as possible. Therefore, I can't really say if one item had more impact than the others.
Here's want I implemented:
- Added more snails & another conch.
- Added a UV sterilizer.
- Dosed H2O2 for 2 weeks.
- Scrubbed the rocks, coral plugs, & snails of algae the best I could with a brush.
- Reduced coral feeding from every other day to once every 3-4 days.
- Blew off rocks and sand every day for a week with a filter sock in the sump which was changed daily.
- Ordered more algae eating fish (cole tang, lawnmower and tail spot blenny) which haven't arrived yet as they are being QUARENTEED.
- Re-introduced an algae scrubber recently (didn't grow algae when introduced 4 months ago. Now growing algae). So I don't think this had much impact on the algae issue.

Again thanks for all who helped me out!!!!! Mike
I’m about to and am doing the same thing currently for dinos. I’m also siphoning them out of the sand daily through a filter sock