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Hi yall! First time ever joining the forum!
I'm pretty new to reefing(about 4 months in. REALLY NEW), and I'm already low on money. I shoulda budgeted lol. Anyways, i was wondering if you all could rank the items I'm listing from most important to least. But first my set-up.
90 gal, lights, ONLY A RETURN PUMP(about 800gph), only 40ish lbs. of rock, an occellaris, blenny, and a damsel(springer). besides that are three turbo snails I think.

Help me rank what i should get first and last:
-dry rock( I don't have much rock height in my tank)
-another occellaris to pair( will it be too late if i wait?)
-a glass scrubber(I'm starting to see algae and i have coralline in my tank)
-more corals
- wavemakers/powerheads
- clean up crew(cleaner shrimp, snails, etc.

I hope anyone can help; anything is appreciated.


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Apr 27, 2021
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I would say more rock if that’s what you want to add. It will cause another cycle and the minimum a mini cycle would could stress your animals. Unless you have the means to cycle it separately. I would add one or two power heads. You can start with a cheap maxi jet from marine land. Once you have the funds to go bigger or better you can just use the maxi jets for mixing salt.
The fish can be last or next to last. The glass cleaner if you can’t afford it just use non dyed paper towels for the time being.
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Apr 20, 2019
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Hi yall! First time ever joining the forum!
I'm pretty new to reefing(about 4 months in. REALLY NEW), and I'm already low on money. I shoulda budgeted lol. Anyways, i was wondering if you all could rank the items I'm listing from most important to least. But first my set-up.
90 gal, lights, ONLY A RETURN PUMP(about 800gph), only 40ish lbs. of rock, an occellaris, blenny, and a damsel(springer). besides that are three turbo snails I think.

Help me rank what i should get first and last:
-dry rock( I don't have much rock height in my tank)
-another occellaris to pair( will it be too late if i wait?)
-a glass scrubber(I'm starting to see algae and i have coralline in my tank)
-more corals
- wavemakers/powerheads
- clean up crew(cleaner shrimp, snails, etc.

I hope anyone can help; anything is appreciated.

-If you need more rock, that is pretty important, but your current 40lbs is plenty for a few fish.

-You can't add more livestock if you are short on rock

-You can't add more coral or a nem if you don't have the required minimum flow/turnover.

-Clean up crew could have been added awhile ago.

-Cleaning glass is required maintenance

So having said all this here is the order I would do it:

1) Glass scrubber
2) More clean up crew
3) Powerhead
4) More rock
5) More fish or coral
6) Anemone

No need to grow the system further before you obtain the maintenance tools that should already be present imo.
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Feb 14, 2013
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Power heads are good. Flow is often a good thing.

The ocillaris maybe not so much. Males are small and females are big. If you want a pair, you add a small one (male) and your big one (female) will probably molest it at first but likely pair up. So that can wait. But I have not done it, just read about it so better information is good.

You probably have plenty of rock for your cycle. It can be added later for your aquascape.

Glass Cleaner - I am thinking you want one for the INSIDE of the tank. You really want to stay on top of this. Coralline can build up on the glass and be a real PITA to clean off. So this could be your top priority.

Further down the road:

I really like auto top offs. You can get a really inexpensive one from auto top off. But ”inexpensive” is a relative term. It is nice to have automatic top offs for the stability. But you can do this by hand daily.

Skimmer - skimmers are good nutrient export but I bet this is out of your price range right now.

RODI - reverse osmosis and De ionization. It is really nice to make RODI water a home for 0 TDS water (nice and pure). It is convenient and pays for itself in about a year (If you do top offs and water changes).

Decent test kits - really Salifert has good test kits for Nitrates, Calcium, and alkalinity for a relatively low price.

So many things and so little time.
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Ultimate Corals