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Sep 18, 2017
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Hi guys I'm new here and am new to Saltwater Aquariums, I have had and successfully kept fresh water aquariums for several years. I always wanted to keep a SW aquarium but just haven't had the space to start. Long story short my wife and I recently bought a new house and she bought me a 70 gallon corner aquarium setup (She wanted the corner aquarium because she wants it in the living room and there is no other spot to put it) Needless to say I'm going to make it SW. Now I have done plenty of research and reading but I am still confused and a lil worried about filtration as FW seems so much more simple. My new aquarium came with an aqua clear fluval power filter good for up to 100 gallon tank. I know it's not the best but I plan on using for now since I have it. Now I assume this will not be sufficient enough and my question is what else should I do? Any suggestion will be appreciated. My plan is to have a fish only aquarium with live rock. I just plan on having a few clown fish, maybe a cardinal, and any other small peaceful fish. I know I'm limited with 70 gallons, but this is my first SW and don't want to go too crazy anyway. I also don't want to go on a spending spree but will not cheap out on products either. Like I said I know what it takes to run and keep an aquarium just not SW yet but I want to learn and get started.

Yuki Rihwa

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Jul 16, 2017
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First is get your tank up and do fishless cycle, it will take quite sometime for a 70G tank size complete a proper cycle. If you want to do a cheap way and taking time then I would suggest buying dry rocks and dry sand, that's way you knew for sure that you didn't invite unwanted pets into your system, for filtration it's simple if you do FOWLR (you should do this before taking on corals since coral required more mature system to keep them healthy) but a sump filtration is better in long term and easier to hide all some equipment in there...etc. You should have more than enough time to decide what's fish you gonna keep while your tank cycling. you can easily read through this new to salt forum here and get all the information. Have fun and good luck.
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Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


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Thank you welcoming committee . I am def taking my time I guess my only question is should I get a protein skimmer to go with my filter? I know it can only help but wondering if it's a must. I'll take my time doing it. Thank you guys
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar

Yuki Rihwa

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Jul 16, 2017
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Thank you welcoming committee . I am def taking my time I guess my only question is should I get a protein skimmer to go with my filter? I know it can only help but wondering if it's a must. I'll take my time doing it. Thank you guys
You don't need a skimmer for first few months since pretty much nothing to skim out of your water yet, also you have to keep skimmer off during cycling time. It's good to have a skimmer down the road but I knew there are some option to take/setup your tank without a skimmer.


Wrasse and SPS Lover
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Ecotech Marine