GSP Containment


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I am back in the saltwater hobby after a 5 year break. I have setup a BioCube 32 LED, and have started stocking after an appropriate fishless cycle.

While I like GSP, I have a constant fear that it is going to take over my tank. I would like to add some to this new setup, but the smaller 32 gallon size REALLY scares me that it will quickly take over the tank.

I understand the isolated rock theory, but I'm thinking of taking it to the next level, and wonder if this will work.

My theory is - if I take a flat rock, and attach some frag buttons to the bottom of it, so that it sits just above the sand, will that stop the GSP from growing off of the rock? I'm thinking that a lack of light on the bottom side of the rock, would not allow it grow any further?? Possible? Or will it just figure out a way to grow down into the sand anyway?


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May 15, 2018
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It is possible that the GSP will grow to the edge and look over and pull back from a fear of height, but i doubt that it will work to produce the isolation that you hope for.

As long as there is a reasonable gap between the island and the rest of the rock work, when the GSP tries to grow off the island you just have to pull out a sharp knife and cut it back. You can sell or donate the trimmings to others, or the trash if you can't find any takers.

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