The apex was good but now they are built in China and look like preschool toys. My 12 year old apex Jr still works with zero issues. My 2023 apex a3 that I bought as an "upgrade" already has had to to be sent back to neptune for a corrupt sd card and the 24v power supply on the eb8 quit working so none of the accessories work. With the replacement sd card that I paid $54.38 for plus shipping to neptune it also erased every bit of programming I had.
Don't even get me started on the trident. A controller this expensive should be reliable but that's not the case anymore. I've only had the hydros system for a month or so but it feels well built and it's super easy to program.
100% agree. My original orange label full apex is still working flawlessly. My A2 has been replaced/repaired by myself numerous times for SD card failure and WiFi dongle failures. It’s a joke.