Gettin' Twiggy Wid It - Red Sea Reefer Peninsula 500



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The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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I've been trying to get this shot for weeks. And the one time I get it, the lights are too dim :mad:

Then this guy failed to turn his head the extra millimetre it needed to make it an awesome shot!

Male resplendent anthias

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The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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Still waiting for my ICP test - been 1.5 weeks now :mad:

Most of my corals are actually fine but... This is a photo diary of the issues in my tank..

Basically. I've got 99 problems but a fish ain't one.

The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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The good thing about being on an SPS-free diet is you remember just how great LPS can be :)



Wonder how long this will take to lose its colour and turn red ;Facepalm

One of my Resplendent Anthias has got a little hidey hole he spends most of his time in...




And. This guy has changed his regular spot so is now more available for photos ;Snaphappy

Top Shelf Aquatics
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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I think I lost mine a couple of weeks ago, it was super shy at the best of times, gorgeous fish. :)
Yeah, mine was in hiding except when there was food around but now he sits just outside a little cave. Great fish :)
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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On Friday night I sold about eight of my dying SPS frags to a fellow reefer. Bit of a shot to nothing for him but with a bit of luck, they'll pull through. He's cut away the dead bits and they are currently healing. Good luck Tom, it'd be great to see them return to former glories.

Armed with my new pennies, I went shopping. I've bought a Jack O'Lantern Leptoseris. Hoping this will colour up nicely when it settles - they look soooo good! :)

Also bought an utter chaos frag. Looks nothing like an UC at the moment but the vendor had just moved so i'm guessing it's just peed off that it's had to pack twice in a week.

Finally, I got a yellow wrasse. Looking rather sheepish here, understandably. Yellow and pink look great together though (ask Mr Blobby) so I think this fella will offset my Resplendent Anthias nicely. I'd like another four anthias to bring the total to an even 10. Where's the Santa emoji?

Also got my tripod today ;Snaphappy I'm finally feeling comfortable in manual mode. Only took me three years :rolleyes:

Pink dragon :mad: (maybe I should have got the Ultra Pink Dragon for an extra £200 ;)

I've also reserved a Naso tang. Although when I got home, I realised I can't rmember if it was a blonde one or a normal... erm... haired one. It's £45 so i'm guessing it's not a blondie ;Facepalm
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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I've really got into rock flower nems now :)

I'd like another few to make this into a proper garden. You never know, that might even entice my nem crab over o_O

But for now, i've settled for a new fish :D

Poor photo but he won't keep still :p. It's a Naso/lipstick tang. Quite young so not fully coloured up yet. But a beaut nonetheless.

Oh, and here's a geometric pygmy perchlet wondering if something is about to come out of a cave...!
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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This is why you shouldn't buy cheap toilet paper ;Vomit

While i've obviously got issues with my water, nitrate and phosphate is spot on. The skimmer (Nyos 220) is a little noisy (which is annoying cos my 160 was silent) but it doesn't half pull out some gunk. Nitrate is at 4ppm today and phosphate 0.02. More or less no algae in the tank, thanks in part to this and in part to my tang/foxface combo :)

I bought the tang the other week but I can't get an accurate photo of him so here's a rubbish one for now. It's a Naso, the brunette not the blonde.

Hasn't developed his colours fully yet but does have an awesome blue stripe along his dorsal fin. I'll get a shot of it one day.

I also bought a tiny meteor shower cyphastrea last weekend (purple coral on a purple rock ;Facepalm)

And what may or may not be a (miniscule) goni... what do you reckon? I think it has red polyps and a green base...

Added to my CUC today. I've got loads of snails for algae but only really a cleaner shrimp for scavenging. I'd like a few sexy shrimp for my rock nem garden but i'm pretty sure the hawks would also like that ;Woot

My stylo is looking a little off. It seems to be going thin on top (happens to the best of us) on certain tips. It could just be growth tips coming through mind.

I've also had a bit of a cyano outbreak at the end (lowest flow part) of the tank. It's not really doing any harm so i'm going to see if it burns itself out. If not, i'll get some chemiclean.

My new utter chaos frag looks like it's on its way out. It could be that it didn't like the position I put it in - it was doing fine until I moved it - so i've moved it back. Might be too late... we'll see.

Resplendent anthias are doing very well. I've got to say, they were an amazing find. I read something from Trout about them being peaceful and not finicky eaters - he's spot on from what i've seen so far. I have six but i'll definitely get more - maybe 10 ish eventually. This one hides in his little cave, looking creepy ;Peeking

And these are the best photos i've managed to get of my clowns so far :)

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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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