Gettin' Twiggy Wid It - Red Sea Reefer Peninsula 500


The Reef Dork

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Latest FTS & FTV (3 Feb 19)


I closed my last tank at the start of last year ahead of a house move and i’ve been desperate to set up again (The Interim Tank doesn't count). We all know that when you change tanks, you have to upgrade. So here I am with my third setup, the largest yet. The difficult 3rd album. Only it doesn’t work that way in reefkeeping – you should only get better with experience so this will be more Led Zeppelin IV than III. Maybe even Physical Graffiti.

With my last tank I’d reached a crossroads – carry on with a system I’ll always look at critically or sacrifice the 2 years of growth in return for another shot at perfection :rolleyes:

The latter was definitely the right choice! The rockscape had some great features but wasn’t quite right – too many steep edges which made coral placement difficult. I also wasn’t totally happy with the tank itself – at 45cm, it wasn’t quite tall enough and I wanted a little more water volume.

Apart from that, I also bought cheap filler corals (bland zoas, dull montis and even boring acros that I bought just because they were acros ;Facepalm) rather than focussing on quality. And I ended up with fish I didn’t necessarily want – a bicolour blenny that meant I couldn’t keep clams, a hoeven’s wrasse I decided was boring and the same for a banggai cardinal (who could also be a right eejit at times!)

I even secretly wasn’t completely happy with my trio of Pyramid Butterflies ;Yawn They were the defining feature of my tank but they were a little too big for the space and they’re not as pretty as some of the other butterflies - they looked great in photos but less colourful in the flesh and I found them a bit underwhelming day to day.

The plan
Tank - Red Sea Peninsula 500;
Lights - Kessil AP700 (soon to be supplemented with 4 T5s)
Flow - 2 x MP40QDs with a Reeflink;
Return - Ecotech Vectra L1
Filtration - Nyos Quantum 220 skimmer, ALR1 chaeto reactor, SIPORAX and Eheim Reeflex UV800;
Dosing - Kamoer x4 wifi doser running ATI Essentials;
Heating - Schego 300w & 200w heaters with Simply Aquaria controller and JBL cooling fans.
Monitoring - Seneye Reef with Web Server

What tank
I was looking at a RSR 425XL or an EaReef 1200s Pro but that all changed when I saw a Peninsula in the flesh ;Woot I much prefer the sump layout too - it seems more flexible than the XL and has lower sides than the EaReef which makes taking stuff out easier (i’m looking at you, ALR1).

I don't like the idea of having flow only coming from one end of the tank but I can always change that if needed, albeit at the cost of the aesthetics. It won't be a room divider, it'll be against a wall albeit far enough away to allow me to clean all 3 glass panels.

What lights?
I’ve said a number of times that i’d never go back to LEDs from T5s. My ATI 8x54w Powermodule was a behemoth. A coral-growing machine. Total light spread, grows corals like a teenager grows spots and no messing around with spectrum settings. The undisputed and unbeatable King of SPS!

So yeah, i’m changing back to LEDs ;Facepalm

The ATI unit is ruddy massive. It weighs a metric ton and makes getting your hands in the tank a long and drawn out affair, much like trying to overtake a National Express coach in a Renault Megane.

It also has a face only a Metal Halide could love but I could forgive all of that if it had shimmer. The shimmer on the Kessils is immense and gives more depth to the tank but I do want to supplement it with some tubes. If Aquatic Life don’t start selling their DIY hybrid over here, I might import one from the States. That, in my opinion, is the perfect lighting solution.

I loved my Kessil on The Interim Tank so i’ve gone nuclear and got the Kessil Daddy, the AP700 (shades). It looks better than 3 a360s and has better controllability. Plus it saves 3 plugs over having 3x a360s and a Spectral Controller :)

The rockwork for me was absolutely essential this time. I rushed both my previous scapes and while I still thought they were OK, they had some fundamental flaws as outlined above. I will be using mostly dry rock so I can take my sweet time - plan, plan then plan some more.

Rich (@mrfaggle) introduced me to R&R Aquascapes. They produce bespoke ceramic ‘scapes, have made a few that look stunning and are made to your order. Check out the one Rich ordered - it looks really cool and is totally different to the usual rock wall or bommie setup.

Ultimately though, I prefer the additional fish hiding places you get with a traditional ‘scape over a one-piece block and I will have lots of fish in this tank so that’s important. This R&R ‘scape in a Red Sea Peninsula nearly changed my mind though…


Key areas with an aquascape are the rule of thirds, mixing negative and positive space, use of gullies and use of triangles. I’ve also looked at various threads on here and tanks on YouTube to see what appeals to me. I like bommies and islands so i’ll get a load of RRR and will play around until I get something I like.

There’s a very good article on Reef Central (which is otherwise a totally inferior forum ;)) that explains why certain colours go well together and how to maximise the effect. It’s the sort of thing you do without realising what you’re doing and having the theory behind the practice sharpens your eye and takes away the element of chance.

The trouble is, i’m rubbish at arty stuff :( so when it comes to colour schemes, i’m going to use science! And when I say science, I mean Google. “What colour goes with [insert colour of coral to be placed]” brings up suggestions so you can get an idea of what will look good. I’ll also be using the colour wheel below as a rule of thumb.


Nutrient export
My nutrients were too low in my last system so i’m going to combat that by jamming in as many fish as is physically possible. I’ll keep my filtration fairly simple. Big skimmer, siporax, ALR1. I’ll also have a phosphate reactor on standby in case algae takes hold.

No water changes as i’ll be using ATI Essentials :cool:

Water chemistry

I’ll be using ATI Essentials because water changes suck. To get me off on the right foot, i’ll use only ATI Absolute Ocean so my parameters should be mint from the word go.

Was it Shakespeare who once said we don’t keep fish and corals, we keep water? Well, whoever it was: I hear you loud and clear.

On the subject of water, there’s no point investing serious effort to export pollutants if you’re going to add them every day from your RO top up. For now, I have 2 membranes, a booster pump and 3 DI pods. I’ve been watching a lot of BRS videos on that subject though so may upgrade it in due course.


My fish plan last time was pretty solid in terms of swimming space occupied – I went for a mix of rock-hopping, benthic, pelagic, big, small, secretive, pairs/groups, show-offs and symbiotic relationships. So combining this with a more considered approach should be the recipe for success. I may have 1 or 2 bigger fish (Genicanthus Angels and a Yellow Tang) but I’m trying to keep mostly smaller fish with a focus on bright colours. Rarity or difficulty of keeping don’t turn me on so my criteria are bold colours, character and lastly utility.

I will have a few fish for pest purposes – some Halichoeres Wrasses and a Peacock Wrasse. I love a bit of character and I’ll have that in spades – Hawkfishes, Blennies and the Shrimp Gobies. I’m reliably informed the Midas Blenny will think it’s a Lyretail Anthias and will school with them! On my list currently is:

2x Clownfish (type not yet decided)
7 Lyretail Anthias
Midas Blenny
Scarlet Hawkfish
Longnose Hakwfish
Iridis Wrasse
Peacock Wrasse
Koi Wrasse
Scooter Blenny
Wheeler’s Goby with Pistol Shrimp
Silver Belly Wrasse
Royal Grammar
Algae Blenny

I’ve gone as reef safe as possible as I don’t want to inhibit polyp extension or risk corals and I want to keep clams this time round. However, butterflies and angels are so dang gorgeous, I’m sure I’ll end up getting at least one! I’d sacrifice my first born to Lucifer for a healthy Regal Angel! A close 2nd would be a Mitratus Butterfly which I think would be a safer bet with corals.

I’m not going to be scared of buying expensive fish and corals this time. Cost was too high in my decision-making process last time and hindered the tank as a result. That doesn’t mean I’ll have Peppermint Angels and Feminus Wrasses everywhere though. It just means that I won’t pick a coral or fish because it’s cheap.

I used to QT every fish but I found I was losing loads of fish during the process. I tried lots of methods of QT and kept it as simple as possible but I just didn’t get on with it. Plus I like to live dangerously so i’m not going to QT this time ;Jawdrop

My view now is that it is far better to carefully select a healthy looking specimen, minimise stress during transfer, provide a good environment for them to live in and feed them well. I will also run an Eheim UV steriliser which I think is pretty important if you don’t QT. I won’t run it 24/7 - only during certain periods such as when I introduce new fish or if I see any issues.

I’m mainly going for Acropora this time although I’m not a total snob so I’ll still have some plebby corals. I love stylo so will have a green and a purple. I'll also have a bird's nest but this time it'll be Aussie which I think looks much better. I’ll have some montis – sunset, rainbow and maybe other similar types – but my focus is on high-end corals. My preference is the branching acros but variety is the spice of life so I’ll have tabling and staghorns as well. I’ll get a mix of frags and colonies – I love the idea of seeing the tank grow out but I don’t want to just stare at frags for the first 2 years.

I may also have some LPS for a bit of movement – maybe a Torch, some Duncans and Acans. I’ve never been able to get the best out of Acans though which ticks me right off! Softy-wise maybe a few nice zoas and ricordeas but that’s it. The softies might have to be confined to an island to stop them taking over but we’ll see.

I also have some coral projects in mind. I want to make some kind of structure for an encrusting monti to grow on – maybe a dead branching acro skeleton. That would essentially give me a branching sunset monti which I think would look amazing! Encrusting montis look best when they’re on contours so you can see the base as well as the polyps. I started that process in The Interim Tank but it’ll be years before it starts to look good.

I also want to cover a ceramic zoa rock in either a few different types of encrusting monti, zoas, acans and chalices. I think chalices are massively under-used although that might have something to do with aggression, price and availability in the UK! Finally, i’ll have a euphyllia garden for a bit of movement.

Although I love watching hermit crabs bimble around and climb corals like monkeys in a tree, they can be right little jerks at times! So I’ll instead focus on snails – Conches galore, Trochus, Nassarius and Mexican Turbos. I’ll also have a few Cleaner Shrimp, Blue Tuxedo Urchins and a Brittle Star. Maybe a Mithrax Crab or 6 for bubble algae.

For me, the best threads on here are full of high quality photographs. I’ll use my DSLR/macro lens where possible but I need to figure out how to use it a bit better. Simple snaps will be taken with my Samsung S8 Plus which has an excellent camera. I’ll put the best photos on Instagram too.

YouTube channel
I’ve also set up a YouTube channel under the name ‘The Reef Dork’. I don’t look as good in a yoga top as Miss Saltwater Tank so i’m going to have to smash the content quality out of the park! That's a separate venture though so you won't see any of those videos on here.

So that’s it. My stated intentions. I can look back at this in 6 months and see how much I stuck with! If you’ve got this far without skipping ahead, well done - you’ve earned yourself a cuppa

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The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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Plugs sorted. 16 in total - I think I'll need 12 so 4 spare for when I buy new kit ;)


Stuff I'll carry over from The Interim Tank will be:

Speckled rainbow zoa stick

The Full Monti (terrible photo)

Mount KrakaZoa mkII


Duncan rock

GSP rock

SSC, setosa, random twig



And the radiant wrasse, midas blenny and silver belly wrasse. So enough to make a start but then a load of new stock, all carefully thought out with NO IMPULSE BUYS ;Facepalm
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The Reef Dork

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Hi, it's mom.;) If you're going to spend all this time and money you should set up a quarantine tank.

Ha! You're not going to like this...

I've never got on with quarantine - I tried several different methods but couldn't make it work for me. My mortality rate was too high so I shut down. I now take time to select healthy specimens, make sure I only get peaceful fish (for the most part) and run UV.

That's worked for me for a few years now so I'm sticking with it :cool:

#RussianRoulette ;)
The Reef Dork

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The day started well. But ended badly.

Red Sea do packaging well ;Woot

Does my skimmer look big in this? :eek:

Why these lights aren't more popular is beyond me. They give me an actual stiffy ;Drool

But then...

... while sliding the tank out of the way, I nudged an electric screwdriver off the table and onto the weir box.


I'm gutted! ;Facepalm
The Reef Dork

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Tank in place and doors fitted. Doors are a little wonky so I need to tweak that but I'm too hot having spent half an hour getting the dang doors on :mad:

This thing is tall! Scaping it and doing anything in the tank is going to be a massive ball ache. I'm 6" 1' and I'll need some mini steps :D

Cabinet now lit up :)

UV with new bulb ready to go in (once i've put the manifold in)

And fans in place

(fans on the right...)

Plumbing also temporarily installed but i'll take that out when the weir box gets fixed. Email sent to the shop I bought it from. Fingers crossed...

Oh... and i've ordered a dope custom lid... deets to follow...:cool:
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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I should have a crack update soon - i'll reserve the full story for now... but in the meantime, i've bought a few rocks :cool:

Then I commandeered the dining room table (the missus didn't seem to mind weirdly ;Bored) and laid out a piece of cardboard roughly the size of my aquascaping space. It's actually about 2.5 inches shorter (front to back) so there will be a little more space in the tank.

This is what i've come up with so far...

Now I admit the cat might be difficult to putty corals onto but aside from that... i'm happy with this as a start. I love the bit on the left - that was a great find as one piece of rock and i'll be able to tile drill a load of frag plug-sized holes into it too :cool:

There are loads of triangles, shallow angles for placement, good swimming spaces in-between for fish to hide/play in and if I can make a similar shape for the spot where the cat is, i'll have 2 nice gullies. BUT! I'd like the bit on the left to be at the back instead of the front so I can see more sand from a seating position. I think that might look cooler. But it the current location is better for coral placement so...

Also, the top rock on the island to the right is too big. So i've taken that off and it now looks like this...

That gives me more space for corals although it needs to be a little higher at one point so i'm going to put The Full Monti™ where the big piece used to be...

For the uninitiated, The Full Monti™ is this bit of rock that's currently in my nano. I've fragged off lots of small bits of Sunset Monti and glued them to this so it'll encrust over the branches and contours and look like a branching acro Sunset Monti ;Woot

I now need to make a pile on the far left. I'd like that to be taller than the other 2 by a few inches (far right is about 12 inches high) but that will mean steeper angles ;Stop So I might go for a couple of bits of rock on the ground, then a plate, then a couple of smaller bits on that, then another plate, then a small rock on the top. Have I described that well??

It's not cemented in place yet so all feedback is welcome*. I'll need to put it in the tank though to get a proper idea of what it'll look like.

*I reserve the right to ignore all advice, no matter how good :p
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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I'm curious why you went with a Peninsula type tank since you are putting it up against a wall and it's usually put where you can view three sides. You could have put any standard tank there.
Yep, totally fair point. An LFS planted the idea with me a while ago. I dismissed it at first... then stared thinking about it and really came round to it :)

I didn't have space for a 5 footer (according to the Mrs) so it was between this and a 425XL. I don't like the sump layout in the 425 and I love the look of seeing through both panels of glass. My current nano looks really cool when you look through both sides - see below exhibit A :cool:. I also think the peninsula tank looks really trick and there's one on another forum against a wall - see below exhibit B :cool:. A proper room divider would be the dream but i'd need to extend the living room for that which I can't do... for now...

Exhibit A (admittedly a bad photo o_O)

Exhibit B

It's sticking about 6-8 inches away from the wall. Not exactly true peninsula style but hey.
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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Good news! I've now sorted the crack!

With some much appreciated help from 2 local shops and Red Sea themselves, I've got a workaround.

The solution was to get a panel of glass cut and use it as a 'plaster'. So I measured the exact size needed, got it cut then stuck it on.

Now I accept this is not exactly the cleanest fix you'll ever see! But it'll be hidden by the 'scape and coralline algae in time. And it means I can crack on with making an awesome DT.

I've also picked up a few more bits.

And some manifold stuff

Now the original plan was to tee this manifold off the return. But i've sat down with my pipes and stuff and I think that'll be a bit rubbish. So i'm thinking of having the manifold on its own pump. The difficulty i've got is that the return pipe is at the front of the cabinet with 2 downpipes behind it that i'd have to get past some how. So getting the tee past the return pipe looks a bit awkward. Particularly given the RO reservoir is in the way.

I want to keep the reservoir and possibly use it as a frag tank in the future.

But i'm waiting for a few more bits from AAC so i'll set it up dry then decide. In the meantime, I'm all ready to connect it up :D

The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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This is what you do for fun on Saturday night when you're a reefer :D

I've never made an effort with cable management before and the sump cab ends up a mess. But i'm doing things properly on this tank :cool:

It's not fixed in place so I can bring it forward if I need more depth on the shelf and to make it easier to add/remove cables. There are gaps at the top for plugs/cables to go in/out of. I might elevate it later - it feels like it's wasting space at the moment. But i'll see what the shelf proves useful for. My first thought is for dosing containers. But I would like a decent size RO reservoir in the cabinet so i'll decide later.

This was so easy to make, will make my life much easier, creates a shelf space and will look a billion times tidier. Cost me about £20 all in. Why haven't I done this before?!

Just one thing... I really should have put the brush plate in the right corner ;Facepalm


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This is what you do for fun on Saturday night when you're a reefer :D

I've never made an effort with cable management before and the sump cab ends up a mess. But i'm doing things properly on this tank :cool:

It's not fixed in place so I can bring it forward if I need more depth on the shelf and to make it easier to add/remove cables. There are gaps at the top for plugs/cables to go in/out of. I might elevate it later - it feels like it's wasting space at the moment. But i'll see what the shelf proves useful for. My first thought is for dosing containers. But I would like a decent size RO reservoir in the cabinet so i'll decide later.

This was so easy to make, will make my life much easier, creates a shelf space and will look a billion times tidier. Cost me about £20 all in. Why haven't I done this before?!

Just one thing... I really should have put the brush plate in the right corner ;Facepalm

Nice job!
Top Shelf Aquatics
The Reef Dork

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I've always had a love/hate relationship with the standard diy aquarium covers you get. They're essential but they ruin the rimless look :mad:

So I've gone nuclear this time :cool:


Do you like my minimalist scape? :rolleyes:
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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No update for four months? Well, let's take a look at what has changed...

The cracked weir box fix worked a charm and I haven't had any issued now so it's safe to assume it's a permanent fix. I have recently started to get a little coralline algae on it but not much.

This is the final scape:

It's not a true peninsula scape but then it's not a true peninsula tank, being up against a wall :D

Looking back, I do like the scape but i'd go more minimalist with maybe two bommies instead of three. And with the two bommies further away from the ends of the tank where there's lower light and flow. But i'm still happy with it. Just something to think about next time .

So let's talk livestock. I've only had one fish die - a peacock wrasse. I give up with them.

Fish-wise, I have:
  1. Da Vinci clownfish x2
  2. Koi wrasse
  3. Radiant wrasse
  4. Earmuff wrasse
  5. Silver belly wrasse
  6. Fox face (growing fast!)
  7. Midas blenny
  8. Randall's goby
  9. Scarlet hawkfish
  10. Longnose hawkfish
  11. Geometric pygmy perchlet
  12. Resplendent anthias x6

Koi wrasse

Radiant wrasse (from my last tank)

Earmuff wrasse

Silver belly wrasse (from my last tank)

Fox face

Midas blenny

Randall's goby

Scarlet hawk

Longnose hawk


Resplendent anthias

Coral-wise, I lost a gorgeous Ice Fire Enchinata colony :( after I tried to frag it (against, as it turns out, very sound advice not to do so ;Facepalm)

Here are some highlights from my corals/inverts:

Pink hyacinthus

Highlighter acro

Monti undata

John Deere leptestrea

Can't remember the name...

Strawberry shortcake

Rock flower nem red/green

Rock flower nem orange/green/blue

Red goni

T. Maxima clam ;Drool

Energizer zoas

Red rainbows?

Speckled rainbows

Gymanst conch :)

And various others.
The Reef Dork

The Reef Dork

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My final kit list is:
Vectra L1 return (M1 would have been fine ;Facepalm)
Nyos 220 skimmer (bit buzzy)
ALR1 algae reactor
2x MP40 QD powerheads
Kessil AP700
Giesemann Stellar 900mm

Pretty sure i'm getting enough flow ;)

Here's the Stellar. Fantastic bit of kit - the colour, brightness and spread improvements have been phenomenal. And I still get beautiful shimmer thanks to the AP700 :)

Aside from the fish and corals losses, i've had a few issues. Cleaner wrasser pecking my clam (wrasse now removed after I baited a trap for him...)

Some copper appeared which meant one or two of the corals looked a bit sad. Big water change and some poly filter seemed to sort it. Although my bubblegum mille hasn't really recovered, nor has a blue stag that has some brown stringy algae on parts of it.

But overall, it's going well. No major algae issues and livestock relatively healthy. The lack of algae is largely down to my Foxface as you can see below:

Some of my corals are looking a little sad so i've done another big water change this weekend. And i've sent off for another ICP test.

My hyacinthus has lost some colour on some points which is concerning.

This blue stag is losing a battle with brown stringy algae.

And my sunset monti has lost a lot of its red.

I need more light too - i've ended up putting the Kessil at the weir end of the tank, rather than in the middle because I wasn't getting much PAR for my main acros. But that means the other end of the tank is too dark. So i've bought a Radion XR15 for that end. Yes, that's right - i'll have a Radion, a Kessil and a Giesemann for lighting ;Wideyed . The Radion is easier to connect to my Reeflink so I don't have to buy a spectral controller and I found a good one 2nd hand. I also want to see what all the fuss is about with Radions.

That's more or less it now - i'll finish with a FTS and a 4k FTV.

Thanks for reading :)


Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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