FugeReefer's 90 Gallon Build



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Sep 9, 2016
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Vero Beach, FL
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Hello everyone, and welcome to my build.

While I have only been in the saltwater reefing hobby for just over a year, this will actually be my third tank. Yes, I know, three tanks is typically quite a bit for a "new" reefer to attempt after only a year. The thing is, I am a systems guy and that is the way I think. Good reef keeping is all about implementing good systems, consistently evaluating the results of those systems and making educated adjustments to achieve the desired results. So my systems are scalable and flexible to the intricacies of each environment.

In the near future, I will be posting about my current tanks and the journey my wife and I have taken to get to where we are today, but I wanted to start off right where we are now.

A couple weeks ago one of our LFSs was having a moving sale. This is where we usually get our livestock, consumables, and some hardware. My wife and I have spent quite a bit of time here talking with employees, fellow reefers, and vendors about what we and others are doing in the hobby. Some of the employees at this shop say we sometimes spend more time there than the part-time employees do...:D

Ever since we started going to this particular LFS my wife has been eyeing this tank and making comments about what we could do if we upgraded to a 90 gallon from our 58 gallon, such get the larger fish she is always asking me to get. Once it was confirmed that the LFS was going to be moving to a new location, my wife started to talk to the manager about how it would be much easier to sell the tank than to move it. She would continue making her case for a while. The last the LFS was open its old location, my wife and I go in, and the tank is still there. My wife makes a final attempt to get the tank. A discounted price was offered by the manager, a counter offer was made by my wife, and a final compromise was agreed upon. This is what she got for $225...

Deep Blue Professional 90 Gallon Reef Ready
with stand and canopy.
DB 90.jpg

Oh, also, since they were going to be closing up in 15 minutes, the manager decided he would give me more incentive to go home and get my truck to take the tank that day by throwing in a Deep Blue Professional 30 gallon regular for me to configure as my sump.

I am certainly not going to complain, but there are some challenges I will have to overcome and some less than desirable configurations I will have to deal with.

1) With this being a reef ready tank, it is a pre-drilled bottom for drain and return, in the base of an overflow tower. I do not like the Durso drain configuration, so I will be configuring this for a Herbie drain.

2) Since I will be occupying the pre-drilled holes with a Herbie drain system, I have to design an alternate return. Well, as luck would have it, the rear glass on the Deep Blue 90 is tempered glass. I will have run the return lines up and over the back rim. Well, at least there is a canopy to hide the piping.;)

3) Speaking of the canopy, it is actually quite low. The bottom of the cover lid only sits about 5 inches off the top of the rim of the tank. This is going to be a challenge to implement a lighting system so close to the water level. (Any suggestions would be certainly appreciated.)

So this is the beginning of my build adventure! I will see you soon with further updates. FYI, this will be a slow build. I probably won't be introducing livestock until after the first of the year. I have learned, patience pays in huge returns when we allow the processes of nature to set the pace of reefing journey!

- Chuck


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Sep 9, 2016
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Vero Beach, FL
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Nice Find!
What a plus that your wife is wanting to upgrade. It's definitely the other way around for me. LOL!

following along to watch this come alive :)
Thanks Ryan!

For me it was actually the wife who pulled me down the reefing rabbit hole! That story will be posted later, probably in a different thread [emoji4]


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Dec 29, 2016
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hi i know it's older thread but i give it a try.... how do you like that tank? local guy has one for sale and thinking about buying! any other people have their tanks? thx

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%