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FS: Quarantined Copperbands EATING AIPTASIA & frozen foods

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LA Reef Addict

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Jun 28, 2016
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Quarantined some fish for my girlfriend's tank and have 2 extra copperbands for sale approximately 3-3.5 inches in length. Qt consists of formalin, methylene blue, api general cure and feeding soaked foods in metro/focus combo. Fish are aggressively eating frozen mysis shrimp and frozen spirulina brine shrimp OUT OF THE WATER COLUMN. I have also thrown in aiptasias in the small/medium size range and they have also aggressively eaten them.

Note: These fish are peacefull and require peacefull environments to not only live in, but to thrive in. Please don't buy one or both if you are going to throw them in with aggressive fish that will bully them to not want to eat and eventually die.

Pricing: I didn't know where to price them so I researched and saw that TSM Aquatics sells them for $500 and Marine Collectors sells them for $550 so I figured $200 is fair since I don't have a brick and mortar like those 2 shops mentioned but these fish are ich free, velvet free and eating frozen AND aiptasia which is a huge plus IMO.

The attached video clips only show one copperband eating aiptasia but I give you my word that both are aggressively eating those pesky aips from the water column and on a rock I threw in. Wish I would have recorded that, but unfortunately didn't and now I'm out of aiptasias. They ate them all.

Pickup is Pasadena CA or I can meet up in surrounding cities although I would prefer you come here to watch them eat in person before taking one or both home.

Thanks for reading my novel. lol
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