FLOW | Maxspect Gyre Advanced Controller - Standing Wave Programming



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Hi all

just tried this on my 6’ 180 gallon with 2 xf250’s. Freshly cleaned. I set the max powers to 70% to account for the extra length

within 6 seconds I had a 2.5” wave crash over my rim, lol. Soaked floor, soaked in built cabinet

I took 20% of all the values and have a nice 1.5” standing wave with a 6 second periodicity

I’ll update if I see any adverse effects

thanks @pelphrey

@neilp2006 - the Gyre's move a metric ton of water for sure. I have a pair of XF 250's also in a 54" wide tank and saw a similar issue. Funny at first until my better half and said I should dial it down :). I ran through a few attempts and then saw the @pelphrey video which helped a lot. The one thing that I hope he doesn't mind me borrowing when I see topics on Gyre's is reiterate his comment on flow vs tank maturity. This alone is one of the key factors when setting up Gyre's more than any other in tank power head.

Lot of options with flow control via paddles and position but due to the base power of them and raw power, well, you have to spend some time to dial it in properly. I had to remove mine for about a year due to this and only recently replaced one into my tank since coral grew.

Glad everything is working and have a great day!


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@neilp2006 - the Gyre's move a metric ton of water for sure. I have a pair of XF 250's also in a 54" wide tank and saw a similar issue. Funny at first until my better half and said I should dial it down :). I ran through a few attempts and then saw the @pelphrey video which helped a lot. The one thing that I hope he doesn't mind me borrowing when I see topics on Gyre's is reiterate his comment on flow vs tank maturity. This alone is one of the key factors when setting up Gyre's more than any other in tank power head.

Lot of options with flow control via paddles and position but due to the base power of them and raw power, well, you have to spend some time to dial it in properly. I had to remove mine for about a year due to this and only recently replaced one into my tank since coral grew.

Glad everything is working and have a great day!
It’s crazy- I’ve been running both opposite each other at 60-70% for about 9 months,
Not a drop. Random pulse mode at 1sec for both

just the combo of constant pulse with the anti-sync was enough to amplify the wave front and send it over the edge

i love the gyres, but just wish they came with apex interface without needing to buy the icecaps. Minor gripe though


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i love the gyres, but just wish they came with apex interface without needing to buy the icecaps. Minor gripe though

I agree about the gripe although I kick it up a notch and believe it is a major issue. I need to be fair to Maxspect here though because this isn't just their issue but more of the current state of affairs with our hobby.

Everyone (manufacture) wants their own app, dongle, or controller. No one wants to integrate. We the hobbyist pay the price sadly. Probably one of the reasons why my primary lights are DIY multi channels so I could integrate with either my Reef Angel or my Apex.

Back to the XF 250 though - Originally I planned only one. Then there was this great Black Friday Sale and I couldn't resist :). Figured even if two provided too much flow I could always keep one as a clean spare to swap out every month or two or use it once the tank matured. If that didn't work out then figured I would be able to carry them forward if I upgrade.

Which gets back to the metric ton of water movement. They really are nice units that offer unique flexibility. Barring both of our minor grips :D


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I agree about the gripe although I kick it up a notch and believe it is a major issue. I need to be fair to Maxspect here though because this isn't just their issue but more of the current state of affairs with our hobby.

Everyone (manufacture) wants their own app, dongle, or controller. No one wants to integrate. We the hobbyist pay the price sadly. Probably one of the reasons why my primary lights are DIY multi channels so I could integrate with either my Reef Angel or my Apex.

Back to the XF 250 though - Originally I planned only one. Then there was this great Black Friday Sale and I couldn't resist :). Figured even if two provided too much flow I could always keep one as a clean spare to swap out every month or two or use it once the tank matured. If that didn't work out then figured I would be able to carry them forward if I upgrade.

Which gets back to the metric ton of water movement. They really are nice units that offer unique flexibility. Barring both of our minor grips :D
Oh, yeah, that’s a MAJOR issue with manufacturers at large. Can’t really blame maxspect for Neptune being so anti- integration with the apex. I mean- the hassles I’m going through just to add cheap diy modules is crazy. But they have to get a return on their RD and sell glorified switch boxes for $$$

I missed the Black Friday sale by two weeks. Then I found out xf250 is discontinued so I picked up a lightly used one anda few spares kits. Hopefully get a few years out of them before they wear out and I can get the xf550’s at that point, lol


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So- I’ve been running this program for a week now. I am very impressed at the almost immediate results I’m seeing-

GSP is loving the fact that the ‘tides’ change 3 times a day, and has new growth fronts in all edges plus the polyps are noticeably longer- about 3/4” now

Torches likewise- noticeable increase in tentacle length- almost double in length to 2.3-3”

Hammers are fuller and more ‘fluffy’

Duncan has increased tentacle length to about 1/2-3/4” from 1/4” stubbies

Now- because I’m not so bright, lol, I put the schedule into the first 12 spots, instead of making each slot a 1 hour window and skipping every second slot. So I have the first 1-12 populated and 13-24 are free

Has anyone used a later numbered slot, to add an earlier time? For example- if I wanted to add a bit more turbulence at 3pm for an hour, can I just add the program for 3pm, all random, 70% to the end (#13 in my case) or do I need to go back and find the 3pm slot and redo all the subsequent Programming?



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Just added a quick change, to slot 13 - 12:10pm, A 70% constant and it didn’t work

Guess it all needs to be sequential


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Can anyone elaborate if this standing wave program is attempting to mimic tidal flows in a shallow reef?

It doesn't seem like it would be creating a lot of flow in the tank. Isn't this why the BRS team created that "rolling Gyre" program where its ramped up over 45 minutes, to maximize flow?

I'm currently using the preset LTC which my LPS seem to like, however, I fear there is insufficient flow overall in the tank with dead spots.


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Can anyone elaborate if this standing wave program is attempting to mimic tidal flows in a shallow reef?

It doesn't seem like it would be creating a lot of flow in the tank. Isn't this why the BRS team created that "rolling Gyre" program where its ramped up over 45 minutes, to maximize flow?

I'm currently using the preset LTC which my LPS seem to like, however, I fear there is insufficient flow overall in the tank with dead spots.

I have the same issue with LTC mode. LPS are happy, SPS not as much but the overall tank flow doesn’t seem great.

i tried the alternating gyre modes, and while they provide a ton of flow, the drag created on the bottom when it‘s in full gyre flow in one direction really seems to tick off my lps. I’ve been struggling to find a good setting for my two xf330s for months. Still not happy with anything I’ve tried.


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Hi all

just tried this on my 6’ 180 gallon with 2 xf250’s. Freshly cleaned. I set the max powers to 70% to account for the extra length

within 6 seconds I had a 2.5” wave crash over my rim, lol. Soaked floor, soaked in built cabinet

I took 20% of all the values and have a nice 1.5” standing wave with a 6 second periodicity

I’ll update if I see any adverse effects

thanks @pelphrey

Hey there- checking in on this. i have a 6' tank too. my WAV makes a .75" standing wave at 1 sec. I havent been able to do it with gyres yet ( though i di on my old 4' tank). really a 6 sec period?


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Hey there- checking in on this. i have a 6' tank too. my WAV makes a .75" standing wave at 1 sec. I havent been able to do it with gyres yet ( though i di on my old 4' tank). really a 6 sec period?
6-8 second period at high flow times, peaks about 1.5”, then a 12-15 periodicity at low flow times, about 1/2” peak.


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If you do run one or both in reverse let me know how that works for you! May be something I’m interested in if you get good results!
I run mine in a 5 minute -50%(reverse) to 75% normal to create a gyre in one direction, then reverse to the other direction. It does help keep strands of chaetomorpha from getting stuck in the grills. While reverse is not nearly as powerful as normal, it ready does help gently create the grye with two pumps facing each other. Ive seem my pincushion urchin tumble weed a few times but he learned to stay out of that flow quickly. Other creatures have no issue in that flow.


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What exactly is 6-8s??? It sure can't be the wave crest to wave crest with a 1.5" standing wave!
It sure can... at peak, I could see 2 wave crests at once in my tank. Amplitude was around 1-1.25”. I’d see a second crest form about 6 inches from the gyre right as the First one broke against the return at the other end of the tank.

I counted 6-8 seconds between water level at peak, drop to 1.25-1.5” lower (actually goes below my overflow box weir) then back up to over the top of the weir.
I’ve since turned it down 30% across the board because my torches were getting POd and I’d find occasional wet spots in my cabinet where my return line is, and my basement sump Bean animal Main drain was gurgling


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It sure can... at peak, I could see 2 wave crests at once in my tank. Amplitude was around 1-1.25”. I’d see a second crest form about 6 inches from the gyre right as the First one broke against the return at the other end of the tank.

I counted 6-8 seconds between water level at peak, drop to 1.25-1.5” lower (actually goes below my overflow box weir) then back up to over the top of the weir.
I’ve since turned it down 30% across the board because my torches were getting POd and I’d find occasional wet spots in my cabinet where my return line is, and my basement sump Bean animal Main drain was gurgling
And you're doing this with the Gyres? Would love to see your program to accomplish this, I have not been able to dial in a standing wave yet.


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2 xf250’s

it’s modeled after the program at the start of this thread, but I highly suspect my sparse and flattish rock work allows for water movement that would be impossible in a more heavily rocked and ‘protruding’ scape


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Big shout out to @CJs Aquariums for spending the time to come up with the settings for the standing wave using the gyre pumps. CJ and I are both running 230's on our tanks, his is a 120 gallon 4x2x2 and I have the Reefer 250 36x20x21. Our schedule's are a little different and I obviously use less power with the smaller tank. Like many users we watch the @Bulk Reef Supply videos from start to finish and really enjoy the content and effort put into providing details! BRS went with modules to control their gyre pumps which is a viable option. Some of us prefer to use the tools given to us that can achieve the same goal! This is where CJ spent an hour or two coming up with the programming needed to mimic what BRS did in the video below!

I've attached a screen shot on how my gyre's are programmed. I spent the better part of an hour messing with my flow, it was easy for me to forget what setting I used on the last program. So I put it on paper for ease of programming and to share with the community.

Flow has always been very hard for me, what is to much and what is not enough? We are always taking others idea's and customizing them for our own setup. I certainly won't take credit for the work CJ did - my goal is to communicate this to community. There are always threads on flow in general and what settings are best. For me this was a game changer, my tank finally mimics what I've seen with my own eyes in the ocean. The movement in the tank looks more natural now and more importantly effective.

Start video at 15:15

CJ did a great job documenting how to program your gyre controller in advanced mode -


I am actually getting the same tank and the same pumps. Where are your pumps located? Also the hours you don't have anything marked so for example 11pm you don't have any flow other than your return pump. Lastly is your tank SPS dominant mixed or LPS dominant


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I know this is an old thread, so thank you for any information.

I have a waterbox mini pen. 25 and just bought 2 FX330 and looking to do this schedule.

Should pump B at line 14 12PM be on anti sync or pulse? It seems pump B is on pulse only once.


I'm not even sure how much power I can do going to test and start with half the amounts
A: pulse 30% pulse .04 | B: Constant 0
A: pulse 25% pulse .04 | B: Anti Sync 10

If you have an updated scheduale please share. Or if you have suggestions for me I appretiate the help!