Fish stocking suggestions


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Aug 28, 2020
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Rochester Ny
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I also think that the tank look a bit barren. But the thing is im considering to add more macro. Is it a good option too?
Wet rock from your LFS is a good choice, and pretty affordable. It will add to your beneficial bacteria 'filter' right away, which is a good thing. Dry rock is fine too.
Forgot to say i like the tank, i can see you are coming from the planted aquarium scene..:)

But don't think of algae as your freshwater thanks, think about grown coral colonies as your hardscape... Research the growth pattern and morphology of those corals once they grow up to shape your aquarium... i know it is not as rewarding as the freshwater, were you can have a great looking tank almost from the very beginning... in saltwater it takes time! but the range of colours, shapes and animals is mindblowing vs freshwater.

Enjoy the process!
^^^Very, very well said! I had FW planted tanks for years, loved them. (Still have a black water Tetra tank) Reef tanks do take a lot longer to start looking like you want them to, like a year. And they can look pretty bad early on! But the pay off of having patience is well worth it!