Fallow, or let antibodies develop?

Matt Bravo

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Sep 11, 2022
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So I recently recently a cleaner wrasse as a gift from a family member, it came from the ocean (I was told) so it likely wouldn’t do well in qt.

I’ve successfully qt a six line wrasse so I hope the same happens with this cleaner. However I already have 2 clowns and a royal gramma in qt, preparing to move them into my display

Now here’s the tricky part, I have been qt my clowns and rg for about 8 days already.
Since I didn’t want to immediately drop the cleaner wrasse in copper I decided to put him in my display which was supposed to be fallowed and ready on New Year’s Eve (80 day fallow)

My display caught ich which is why I fallowed. I’ve had the wrasse for 3 days and has been eating well and hasn’t scratched at all. Now I’m wondering if I should finish the qt of my clowns+rg and then move them into display (with ich technically active) and let them build an immunity or should I move the cleaner wrasse into the qt and restart the 30 days? As well as fallow for another 80 days. Im really lost and don’t know what to do honestly.

Jay Hemdal

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So I recently recently a cleaner wrasse as a gift from a family member, it came from the ocean (I was told) so it likely wouldn’t do well in qt.

I’ve successfully qt a six line wrasse so I hope the same happens with this cleaner. However I already have 2 clowns and a royal gramma in qt, preparing to move them into my display

Now here’s the tricky part, I have been qt my clowns and rg for about 8 days already.
Since I didn’t want to immediately drop the cleaner wrasse in copper I decided to put him in my display which was supposed to be fallowed and ready on New Year’s Eve (80 day fallow)

My display caught ich which is why I fallowed. I’ve had the wrasse for 3 days and has been eating well and hasn’t scratched at all. Now I’m wondering if I should finish the qt of my clowns+rg and then move them into display (with ich technically active) and let them build an immunity or should I move the cleaner wrasse into the qt and restart the 30 days? As well as fallow for another 80 days. Im really lost and don’t know what to do honestly.

Immunity to marine ich is temporary and often only a partial immunity, I wouldn't rely on it too much.

If you are using coppersafe or copper power, you can put the cleaner wrasse right into that, but be aware that wild caught cleaner wrasse from Indonesia or the Philippines don't always do as well as those from East Africa.



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So I recently recently a cleaner wrasse as a gift from a family member, it came from the ocean (I was told) so it likely wouldn’t do well in qt.

I’ve successfully qt a six line wrasse so I hope the same happens with this cleaner. However I already have 2 clowns and a royal gramma in qt, preparing to move them into my display

Now here’s the tricky part, I have been qt my clowns and rg for about 8 days already.
Since I didn’t want to immediately drop the cleaner wrasse in copper I decided to put him in my display which was supposed to be fallowed and ready on New Year’s Eve (80 day fallow)

My display caught ich which is why I fallowed. I’ve had the wrasse for 3 days and has been eating well and hasn’t scratched at all. Now I’m wondering if I should finish the qt of my clowns+rg and then move them into display (with ich technically active) and let them build an immunity or should I move the cleaner wrasse into the qt and restart the 30 days? As well as fallow for another 80 days. Im really lost and don’t know what to do honestly.
There is no evidence that wild-caught cleaner wrasses or any other fish does worse in QT than another