Experimental Ich Treatment... Wish me luck.



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I will ramp up the ich in my tank, I hope that tang is a real Man tang and not a Sissy Mary tang. :eek:

Who you calling a sissy??

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Vague Doctor

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Alright, I'm going to go through this again-

1. The LFS I got this stuff from has remarkably healthy fish. These little fellas were doing quite well before I got some coral frags from various sources- to be honest I probably put too many different frags in too fast. That wasn't a good move, so here we are.

2. I am aware this is not a conclusive experiment as I have no control for it- and yes, my screen name is ENTIRELY coincidental, believe it or not. I've been using this handle and even the avatar for some time before this- but you can safely assume this isn't the first time I've sated my curiosity with a gamble.

3. The only thing anyone will be able to conclude with any level of certainty if this works and the sickness doesn't return in some time, is that THESE fish in THIS tank were possibly cured of SOMETHING by a particular treatment I picked up. This disease looks an awful lot like ich. This is what is known as a proof of concept experiment. If this stuff works, I'm going to start other threads on the topic and explore this subject further. If it doesn't work, I'm going to end up quarantining and treating my animals and let ya'll know it was a bust.

These things being said, everyone relax and let's just watch what happens.

I'll be posting an update on the progress soon. I put the second dose in this morning and I'm observing the tank now.
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Vague Doctor

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Looks like everyone is doing alright. The aggressive behavior I was concerned about seems to have dialed down dramatically, although the smallest chromis has half a tail from the brawling. :(

The amount of cysts on each fish has decreased a noticeable bit, and what is still visible has become smaller, especially on the fins which are almost transparent again. However, as many have pointed out (and I was already WELL AWARE) the life cycle of ich causes it to appear to ebb and flow, but it is still present in the tank. What will be interesting is to see if the ich disappears with the final dose, and if I can find tomonts in the sand after the doses are complete using various samples and a microscope... and of course, whether the illness returns. I'm also curious as to whether this treatment, if effective, eliminates copepods- I'm having a hard time imagining that any such treatment could spare them. This would make my scooter pretty unhappy. Anyway, updates to come.

*photos of our little test subject below. I did the best I could with the lighting.*



Vague Doctor

Vague Doctor

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It's been 13 hours since the 2nd dose on day 3 of the 6 day treatment. Every coral that can close up, has closed up. Nem is deflated but open. Fish, shrimp and snails are fine. My corals are usually extra active under the moonlights so this is odd. We will see what happens now...
World Wide Corals


Tang, Angel, and Wrasse Nerd!
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Looks like everyone is doing alright. The aggressive behavior I was concerned about seems to have dialed down dramatically, although the smallest chromis has half a tail from the brawling. :(

The amount of cysts on each fish has decreased a noticeable bit, and what is still visible has become smaller, especially on the fins which are almost transparent again. However, as many have pointed out (and I was already WELL AWARE) the life cycle of ich causes it to appear to ebb and flow, but it is still present in the tank. What will be interesting is to see if the ich disappears with the final dose, and if I can find tomonts in the sand after the doses are complete using various samples and a microscope... and of course, whether the illness returns. I'm also curious as to whether this treatment, if effective, eliminates copepods- I'm having a hard time imagining that any such treatment could spare them. This would make my scooter pretty unhappy. Anyway, updates to come.

*photos of our little test subject below. I did the best I could with the lighting.*

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View attachment 657588

View attachment 657589
The size of these spots still looks more like velvet to me...

I could be wrong, if the fish is still alive in 30 days if probably was not velvet.
Vague Doctor

Vague Doctor

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Update: Corals are all good. Looks like everyone's brightened up quite a bit except my anemone, who has decided to hide under a rock. He's done that a few times in the past then came back out to his normal spot. Tomorrow is the final dose of the "mystery juice".

I'm going to withold my thoughts on this treatment until the final dose and the 6th day has come and gone.

Updates to come.

Mark Gray

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Update: Corals are all good. Looks like everyone's brightened up quite a bit except my anemone, who has decided to hide under a rock. He's done that a few times in the past then came back out to his normal spot. Tomorrow is the final dose of the "mystery juice".

I'm going to withold my thoughts on this treatment until the final dose and the 6th day has come and gone.

Updates to come.
How do your fish Look
Vague Doctor

Vague Doctor

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The size of these spots still looks more like velvet to me...

I could be wrong, if the fish is still alive in 30 days if probably was not velvet.

I had not ruled that out completely, but since they aren't having the issues with breathing or inflamed gills that comes so commonly with MVD I am thinking it isn't likely. My cell phone camera doesn't do the best job in the world with all this, but it's what I'm working with atm. If I had planned this out, I'd have bought some better visual equipment and some test gear to make this more definitive, but eh...
Top Shelf Aquatics
Vague Doctor

Vague Doctor

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How do your fish Look

They are looking a little worse for wear tbh. Cysts on the fins are clearing up but the ones on the body are looking more numerous. They still have their appetite and there's no rapid breathing, so that's good- but they sure ain't winning any beauty pageants right now. XD


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Update: Corals are all good. Looks like everyone's brightened up quite a bit except my anemone, who has decided to hide under a rock. He's done that a few times in the past then came back out to his normal spot. Tomorrow is the final dose of the "mystery juice".

I'm going to withold my thoughts on this treatment until the final dose and the 6th day has come and gone.

Updates to come.

Will we get to what’s in the “mystery juice”?
Vague Doctor

Vague Doctor

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Will we get to what’s in the “mystery juice”?

If it works, yes I will explore that. If it doesn't, no. If this fails I'm doing a full water change, recycling my tank and I will quarantine each of my fish. At this point it could honestly go either way.

I get you folks are as curious as I am- but there is no "fast forward" button here. Sorry.


Tang, Angel, and Wrasse Nerd!
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If in 24 hours there’s noticeably more of them, it’s definititely velvet.. :/


Tang, Angel, and Wrasse Nerd!
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Based on the fact that they worsened noticeably from the previous day, if that happens again today it’s velvet.

Ich’s life cycle doesn’t allow for that. Only velvet. The size of the spots and even the location appear to be velvet. Damsels aren’t particularly susceptible to bad ich infestations, and velvet is more common than ich now, at least more cases are reported than ich and every batch of fish I’ve purchased since 2015 has contained fish with velvet. Batches from 1-20 fish at a time. Same for many of my local cohorts here. From all vendors and LFS. This is a different landscape than it was 5,10,15 years ago, unfortunately.

I know you don’t want to hear any of this, I don’t like it either. I try not to concern myself with what SHOULD BE in favor of what IS. This is how things are, as sad as it is.
Vague Doctor

Vague Doctor

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Based on the fact that they worsened noticeably from the previous day, if that happens again today it’s velvet.

Ich’s life cycle doesn’t allow for that. Only velvet. The size of the spots and even the location appear to be velvet. Damsels aren’t particularly susceptible to bad ich infestations, and velvet is more common than ich now, at least more cases are reported than ich and every batch of fish I’ve purchased since 2015 has contained fish with velvet. Batches from 1-20 fish at a time. Same for many of my local cohorts here. From all vendors and LFS. This is a different landscape than it was 5,10,15 years ago, unfortunately.

I know you don’t want to hear any of this, I don’t like it either. I try not to concern myself with what SHOULD BE in favor of what IS. This is how things are, as sad as it is.

You're assuming an awful lot about my position and level of experience based on a one word response. Maybe pump the brakes a little bit?


Tang, Angel, and Wrasse Nerd!
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You're assuming an awful lot about my position and level of experience based on a one word response. Maybe pump the brakes a little bit?

I’m trying to help you. If that offends you, I’m sorry. No malice was or is intended here. As a moderator here my job is to ensure that you and any casual readers that use this forum as a resource can learn from these threads.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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