So I built this stand to hold my new either 40 gallon or 25 gallon, (bought both one I will actually buy a stand for as I don’t want to make another stand) and I decided to go with leveling legs for ease of adjusting.. the stand is made of solid oak and 3/4 veneer plywood. My question is since I’ve never really built anything is this stand going to be able to hold a 25 gallon or 40 tank on just those four raised legs??? The legs support 2k each apparently but the area in question is the long rails in between the feet that are unsupported (circled in red). They will be free floating because of the feet and I am worried it would buckle it or sag overtime. I am new to wood working so I’m not sure if the frame and sheathing I put onto it will hold the weight of that just fine on those 4 legs. Photo is of bottom with feet and inside of cabinet to show the framework.