I've had my dwarf golden moray for 6 years. I recently had a velvet outbreak so I had to remove all the fish. They are in a 75G with PVC pipe. The only fish in the tank are a big foxface and tomini tang. I treated them with Chloroquine Phosphate, and the treatment ended a week ago. I put in carbon and changed 15 gallons two times.
When I first got this eel, I had a velvet outbreak and he didn't eat for at least 5 weeks. He eventually did eat after the medication was removed (I attribute it to the eel's very sensitive sense of smell and the metallic taste of Chloroquine) I remembered this, so I made sure he was fed before I removed him. I'm beginning to get concerned. It's been about 5 weeks again. He won't eat silverslides, salmon, clams, etc. Everything he has been eating for 6 years he turns down. He even refused a live ghost shrimp today.
Will he let himself starve to death? I am considering moving him by himself to a 20G with rock and sand, but the smaller tank might stress him out more. I put a rock outside his pipe and he seems to like it, but won't eat. He's VERY active at night swimming all around, so I thought he was hunting, but he didn't eat the shrimp.
How long can he go without eating?
When I first got this eel, I had a velvet outbreak and he didn't eat for at least 5 weeks. He eventually did eat after the medication was removed (I attribute it to the eel's very sensitive sense of smell and the metallic taste of Chloroquine) I remembered this, so I made sure he was fed before I removed him. I'm beginning to get concerned. It's been about 5 weeks again. He won't eat silverslides, salmon, clams, etc. Everything he has been eating for 6 years he turns down. He even refused a live ghost shrimp today.
Will he let himself starve to death? I am considering moving him by himself to a 20G with rock and sand, but the smaller tank might stress him out more. I put a rock outside his pipe and he seems to like it, but won't eat. He's VERY active at night swimming all around, so I thought he was hunting, but he didn't eat the shrimp.
How long can he go without eating?