I’ve followed Randy for a while, you definitely have to catch some subtleties in his (normal tone) writing…dosing it is a fine experiment in most tanks
note the word “Experiment”
I do similar, I have a bottle and admit to willy nilly dosing whenever I “feel” it’s needed… I’d be irresponsible to post any actual reasoning behind it …I have seen softies “perk up” after dosing Iodine when in decline, but admittedly nothing annotated , documented or measured..I dose it and can see the difference but I under rather than overdose as it is easy to overdo and toxic at higher levels. I never dose according to guides like Red Sea i.e so much per amount of calcium.
I don’t regularly dose it because I have no measurable, protocols or any scientific basis for determining the dosage amount…TLDR : 100% dose iodine. It can’t really hurt in moderation but it can definitely help.
I’m on the fence as I’m 100% certain Iodine reversed decline in some softies, esp xenia…but again, no documenting, no measuring, no metrics to assign any trends…
I can’t post any meaningful data besides gut feelings