So, I'm curious how others maintain their sumps, and if there is a benefit to keeping it somewhat messy, or if its best to clean it regularly. How does everyone here tend to their sumps?
Currently I have a bunch of pineapple sponges popping up on the walls of my sump, and some trace amounts of detritus on the floor of sump. I do not run a refugium, but I suspect that might change sump maintenance as well. I realize that dirty and clean are relative terms, so for this use my description above to mean dirty (and maybe one could go dirtier?), and clean to mean nothing growing and nothing on the floor of the sump.
Currently I have a bunch of pineapple sponges popping up on the walls of my sump, and some trace amounts of detritus on the floor of sump. I do not run a refugium, but I suspect that might change sump maintenance as well. I realize that dirty and clean are relative terms, so for this use my description above to mean dirty (and maybe one could go dirtier?), and clean to mean nothing growing and nothing on the floor of the sump.