I use pvc pipes in my quarantine aquariums and was wondering if there was any way that pvc pipes absorb the medications such as antibiotics or just anything in general
They shouldn't, at least as not as much as rocks and sand would. But I think they shouldn't. You should be fine, many of us use pvc pipes in our quarantine systems.
Well look at this, a question that hits home with my day job!!!!.....In the wonderful world of Pharmacy, the vast number of medications do not adhere to plastics. Almost all of them in fact. There are a few notable exceptions such as nitroglycerin (not used in aquaria of course, but it is a notable exception). Nitro needs to kept in a glass or a metal container. Think of it this way, when you go to the pharmacy, how many times do you get meds in anything BUT a plastic vial? I cannot think of ANY antibiotic that can not be stored in plastic.......