I'm looking into adding a couple of macro algaes to my display that will maintain benefits (hiding spot for pods, nutrient export, and food for inverts) but dont want anything that will take over. Does anyone have good recommendations?
I've also read conflicting accounts of various macro algae going sexual, becoming nuisance, or outcompeting for micronutrients. Are there certain macros to stay away from?
Some potential macros I'm considering are:
1) shaving brush plant
2) Gracilaria
3) red grape
4) Dragons tongue
5) pom pom
Let me know if you've had luck with any of these in the display tank! Particularly if you know it won't take over the tank!
I've also read conflicting accounts of various macro algae going sexual, becoming nuisance, or outcompeting for micronutrients. Are there certain macros to stay away from?
Some potential macros I'm considering are:
1) shaving brush plant
2) Gracilaria
3) red grape
4) Dragons tongue
5) pom pom
Let me know if you've had luck with any of these in the display tank! Particularly if you know it won't take over the tank!