Hi guys! I’m new to reefing and I’ve recently set up a 29 gallon tank that’s finished cycling. Right now I have one Nassarius snail, one trochus snail, two margarita snails, and one cerith snail. I was told that I can have up to ten snails in my tank so I’m pretty sure that stocking is fine. However, I’ve read some threads that say things from one hermit crab per gallon to one hermit crab per ten gallons and I’m not sure what to believe. I currently have five hermit crabs: four really small ones and a bigger one (about half an inch). Two scarlet, one blue legged, one left legged/dwarf zebra, and one blue knuckled. I know they all grow up to about an inch and I was wondering if I’ve overstocked on hermit crabs. Thank you and sorry for the lengthy post!