Could my pistol shrimp have given its goby brain damage??


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Get ready for a long story. Ive got alot to say.
So, I have a pair of two teeny candycane pistol shrimps( only like an inch long) that lived together with my small dracula goby( only like 2 inches long). They made a great team and my dracula goby was very healthy and fiesty. The problem happened when my pinkbar goby (extremely friendly, but 3 times the dracula gobies size), she decided she wanted those shrimp buddies for her tank mates. She was extremely friendly, each day getting closer, just hanging out by their entrance like she was begging to be a part of it. No aggression, no fighting. But the shrimp would just snap at her and it did not seem to phase her in the least. The shrimp started building sand to cover the entrance from all sides. And the pinkbar just laid there pressed up against the entrance. I did not see the shrimps or my dracula goby for 2 and a half days. Not even for feeding time. But i would hear several snaps each night after lights out. At the 2 1/2 day mark, i was surprised to see the shrimps uncovering the opening and before the day was out the pinkbar backed into it and was excepted. Now the pinkbar goby was in the hole right along with the shrimps ! I was so excited, i hoped theyd all be in their, but i searched all day for the dracula goby. Well,...Later that evening, i saw the shrimps digging out more sand and my dracula goby wobbled out looking daised and confused and belly sunkin!! My poor little guy! It had apparently been buried all this time waiting and relying on the shrimps to uncover it! He did not want anything to do with that hole and moved away from it right away. Even thought the pinkbar and the shrimps were all chill and fine having him there. He did not move much all day and would not eat. I even used a baster and puffed food right on his face. It has been two more days and he just seems to drift around the aquarium clearly alive but seems to be brain damaged or something. He doesnt take in any food . In my concerns that he will die i put him in my tiny nem box so i can repeatedly try to feed him but still no eating. . So, what i cant figure out, is if all that snapping toward the pinkbar affected him or could it just be that he was buried? He really seems to have brain damage and cant stay upright too easily. Im so heartbroken. He was my favorite. And all i can do is watch him slowly starve to death. Because he doesnt seem to know how to eat. Its like he trys to lunge at the baster almost like he wants it, but doesnt know how to eat it. has this happened to anyone else?

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I guess nobody's interested in this topic. Well, just in case someone at some point has this issue id like to add an update.
It has been several more days and my goby is still alive in the tiny hospital box . I have been puffing food in its face several times a day hoping a little gets in its mouth. And i do think a little has gotten in there. And I really do think it has a concussion or brain damage. Either from lack of oxygen when it was buried or the snap from the shrimp. It just seems to not be able to control its ability to eat or swim correctly. And just kind of floats on its side until i put the baster tip in there. My big issue now is.. do i continue to feed him and let him live this way? Or do i just pull him out and let him die quickly. I let him out for a few hours to see if he could live semi normally, but he just gets moved around by the current and randomly swims to move itself every so often. Does not try to eat on its own. Im afraid my emerald crab will get him because hes pretty much like a dead fish floating around the tank., so hes back in the hospital box now.


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I guess nobody's interested in this topic. Well, just in case someone at some point has this issue id like to add an update.
It has been several more days and my goby is still alive in the tiny hospital box . I have been puffing food in its face several times a day hoping a little gets in its mouth. And i do think a little has gotten in there. And I really do think it has a concussion or brain damage. Either from lack of oxygen when it was buried or the snap from the shrimp. It just seems to not be able to control its ability to eat or swim correctly. And just kind of floats on its side until i put the baster tip in there. My big issue now is.. do i continue to feed him and let him live this way? Or do i just pull him out and let him die quickly. I let him out for a few hours to see if he could live semi normally, but he just gets moved around by the current and randomly swims to move itself every so often. Does not try to eat on its own. Im afraid my emerald crab will get him because hes pretty much like a dead fish floating around the tank., so hes back in the hospital box now.
Paragraphs are your friend.

Seriously, a big block of text is more likely to be skipped than read.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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I guess next time ill just add more pictures..... For the.. non.. readers.
I happen to enjoy reading other peoples stories. In my defense, the very first line says..... (get ready for a long story). At that point you could decide if you feel like reading it or not. P.S. this is only my second post. Thanks for the warm welcome.


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It just seems to not be able to control its ability to eat or swim correctly. And just kind of floats on its side until i put the baster tip in there.
I let him out for a few hours to see if he could live semi normally, but he just gets moved around by the current and randomly swims to move itself every so often. Does not try to eat on its own. Im afraid my emerald crab will get him because hes pretty much like a dead fish floating around the tank., so hes back in the hospital box now.
@Jay Hemdal any thoughts for the OP?
do i continue to feed him and let him live this way? Or do i just pull him out and let him die quickly.
If you do decide to "let him die quickly," I've heard clove oil in proper quantities is considered a humane method of euthanasia for fish, so that would be my suggestion if you decide to put it out of its misery.


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I guess next time ill just add more pictures..... For the.. non.. readers.
I happen to enjoy reading other peoples stories. In my defense, the very first line says..... (get ready for a long story). At that point you could decide if you feel like reading it or not. P.S. this is only my second post. Thanks for the warm welcome.
Wish I could help. Ignore the rude people.
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I’d keep at it! Gobies are finicky eaters as is...who knows how a TBI affects them lol! That said I would be impressed if a 1in snapping shrimp really concussed a fish twice it’s size- it’s a water jet, not a punch like a mantis shrimp. Without any factual basis to back this up: my money is on the pink bar being a sneaky bully when you’re not looking. Best of luck and keep us posted! Also keep writing in blocks- it shows solidarity! ;)


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@Jay Hemdal any thoughts for the OP?

If you do decide to "let him die quickly," I've heard clove oil in proper quantities is considered a humane method of euthanasia for fish, so that would be my suggestion if you decide to put it out of its misery.
Thanks. He's still alive. Its a hard choice, but he can't possibly enjoy living this way. Thanks for the advice.


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I’d keep at it! Gobies are finicky eaters as is...who knows how a TBI affects them lol! That said I would be impressed if a 1in snapping shrimp really concussed a fish twice it’s size- it’s a water jet, not a punch like a mantis shrimp. Without any factual basis to back this up: my money is on the pink bar being a sneaky bully when you’re not looking. Best of luck and keep us posted! Also keep writing in blocks- it shows solidarity! ;)
Im thinking it was mostly due to lack of oxygen from being buried under there so long. But thanks. Still sad. He was so healthy and a vibrant addition to my tank. Again,Thanks
Top Shelf Aquatics


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@vetteguy53081? The TL:DR for you is
the one goby kept encroaching on the 2 pistol shrimp and Dracula goby.
Then pistol shrimp filled in hole.
2 1/2 days later they undug the hole, but left the Dracula buried.
Next day they uncovered him but he is pretty close to moribund from what I gathered.

He is not eating or swimming much on his own, OP is asking about brain damage

Edit: to;dr turned into a face…
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Sorry, not meaning to be rude - it's just a fact of life.

People are lazy and will skip a giant chunk of text.

Make life easy for them and you'll get more replies.

No point shooting the messenger :)


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I guess next time ill just add more pictures..... For the.. non.. readers.
I happen to enjoy reading other peoples stories. In my defense, the very first line says..... (get ready for a long story). At that point you could decide if you feel like reading it or not. P.S. this is only my second post. Thanks for the warm welcome.
Sorry no one has had anything helpful so far, normally the fish medics are more responsive. Also sorry some of the people on here ain’t the nicest people in the world.

Have you tried enticing him by soaking it in garlic or something that he loves? Tried different foods? Live foods?

And welcome to R2R! Wish your second post didn’t have to be under such dire circumstances…

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