Could anyone share their experience with Hmahli sumps?


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Dec 1, 2019
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So I’m working on a 180 gallon predator system. My plan is to build my own stand for a tenecor standard 180 (if anyone wants to share about tenecor tanks that’d be appreciated too). And recently BRS had some great deals on hmahli dumps because they discontinued them. I thought that was suspicious cause they always seemed like quality products, but I brushed it off thinking it must be for other reasons than bad quality.
I ordered the elite 45” sump with included reactors. When it finally shows up it was completely destroyed with almost countless separate cracks. All the braces were broken and three of the four side panels were all cracked in multiple places. Two of the baffle walls were shattered. And while I have lots of respect for brs, this whole incident was completely due to a lack of any effort with packaging. But I do have to say they were great about getting me refunded right away.
The reason I’m reaching out to the community because I’m contemplating buying another. They have the platinum 45 inch available for a couple hundred more. The difference is that the platinum has a fleece roller. I’ve heard bad things about hmahli’s fleece roller, but then again I’ve heard about problems with pretty much every fleece roller. If anyone has experience with their products and could share any relevant information to help me in my decision making I’d really appreciate any help.


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My buddy has one. It's just like every other sump out there, nothing special. It seems well made, but nothing better than my eshopps sump. It is definitely thicker than the eshopps, but still does the same thing.

As for the fleece roller, don't get something that you'll have zero support with. Even if it's under warranty, it's gonna take forever to get anything from australia where it's made. I'm not sure if they have any other US distribution at this point.

Also, a fleece roller that isn't dependent on your overflow is the way to go. I would go with Redsea, and run it off it's own small pump in the sump. You'll be able to better control the flow through it, and you'll be able to get refills for it pretty much from wherever you want.

They are a great price from BRS right now, so it's a hard deal to pass up if you're in the market for sump right now.