I’ve been searching the web on this and see a lot of info on the do or don’t dip. I have a newish tank build that I’ve been careful to not introduce especially - bristleworms, spinonid, vermetids, spaghetti worms and detritus worms to because my first tank is filled with that and I hate it.
My question is since this shipment (AquaSD) was delayed a day (thanks Kentucky storms) should I dip in Seachem Reef dip as that is gentler or:
Float the bags for 20 minutes
Remove water from my tank and get in a container that will hold 11 frags
Inspect for yukky stuff
Remove the frag plug??
will I see the creepy crawlies just looking at the frag? I have a Six Line Wrasse, Tiger Pistol Shrimp and Peppermint Shrimp in there.
Forgot to mention, I called Aqua SD yesterday and they said I shouldn’t need to dip. They don’t have sand in the frag tanks where a lot of worms would live and dipping could add extra stress although they pack the corals with shipping delays in mind.
What would you do. Corals should arrive in 2 hours.
My question is since this shipment (AquaSD) was delayed a day (thanks Kentucky storms) should I dip in Seachem Reef dip as that is gentler or:
Float the bags for 20 minutes
Remove water from my tank and get in a container that will hold 11 frags
Inspect for yukky stuff
Remove the frag plug??
will I see the creepy crawlies just looking at the frag? I have a Six Line Wrasse, Tiger Pistol Shrimp and Peppermint Shrimp in there.
Forgot to mention, I called Aqua SD yesterday and they said I shouldn’t need to dip. They don’t have sand in the frag tanks where a lot of worms would live and dipping could add extra stress although they pack the corals with shipping delays in mind.
What would you do. Corals should arrive in 2 hours.