Exactly my thoughts! How about just do 2x 10 gallon tanks?
Honestly I would set up a small pico/nano on your dorm and not set this up at your parents if you are there only every 2 weeks. A lot can go wrong in two weeks. My freshwater planted tank I could pretty much ignore for months as long as the fish were fed... saltwater is another game, especially a new set up and not an older aged one.
If this is FOWLR then it would not be too bad but if you start playing with any sort of stony LPS corals, get any decent amount growing and now you brought testing and daily dosing into the equation.
There are numerous posts asking for help how to fix this or that or tried this and that and don't know whats wrong. I would never want to subject my family to that sort of stuff for the next 2-4 years you are in college.
A small tank in your dorm you can maintain and enjoy and do whatever maintenance it may need would be a lot better IMO.
Hey guys just an update! I talked with my younger brother about what he'd need to help me with if I were to do this saltwater tank. I told him if he didnt help I would do freshwater again (lol). He is the one who gave me this idea so I singled him out. Thankfully, he agreed to help with whatever I need! I dont want him to have to do too much, but what are the most important things I should teach him about?Understandable. It's up to you how you decide to handle this, but keep in mind we are all here to help when you need it!