Clownfish pair possible brooklynella


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Hello, I need some help in regards to my clownfish pair showing signs of brooklynella. Mucus peeling away from face region, occasional flashing against plastic/rubber parts of tank, frayed/clamped fins.

I have a 26 gallon reef with a total of 3 captive bred fishes. Two clownfish and a royal gramma. They were added 2 months ago. This nano reef have been up and running for 5 months now. Its currently going through a bacterial and algae bloom for the past 3 weeks.

No quarantine procedure was done prior to addition to the dp tank. *No livestock at risk.

Nitrate: 5-8 ppm
Phosphate: 0.03 ppm
Magnesium: 1450 ppm
calcium: 1425 ppm
Alkalinity: 8 dkh
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
PH: 8.2
salinity: 1.026/35 ppt
Temperature: 78 degree
* nitrate + phosphate fluctuations due to algae bloom being managed with NenoNitro and NeoPhos.

I believe the algae + bacterial bloom has been a stressful environment for my corals and fishes. My Royal gramma looks physically and behaviorally healthy. As for the clowns I first noted some itching/flashing at the face/gills region for the past 2 months with nothing els noticeable… big appetite, full bellies swimming around.

Starting last week I noticed the clowns had white marks on their face/gills and eyes. I suspected flukes. So I continued to monitor and research. I did a 5 minute FW dip with no noticeable dead flukes. Although it appeared the white marks were gone. The following day the skin on their face looked like it was peeling… so it must be brooklynella? Clamped fins and hiding became more apparent. All three of my fishes still have a big appetite as usual. *Royal gramma looks unaffected

I placed an order for ruby reef rally pro and metroplex. I can get my hands on the ruby rally later today but for the metroplex It will take 7 days.

I would like to follow humblefish’s treatment plan for brooklynella but that requires those two medication.

How should I proceed with treatment with the ruby reef rally? How long in treatment is long enough?

I understand ruby reef could possibly fail but It is what i will have on hand. Living in Canada also makes it difficult to purchase fish medication.

I appreciate any help i can possibly get!!

*Pictures were taken post FW dip. My camera cant seem to pick up on all the white marks on their face, gills and eyes*

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Hello, I need some help in regards to my clownfish pair showing signs of brooklynella. Mucus peeling away from face region, occasional flashing against plastic/rubber parts of tank, frayed/clamped fins.

I have a 26 gallon reef with a total of 3 captive bred fishes. Two clownfish and a royal gramma. They were added 2 months ago. This nano reef have been up and running for 5 months now. Its currently going through a bacterial and algae bloom for the past 3 weeks.

No quarantine procedure was done prior to addition to the dp tank. *No livestock at risk.

Nitrate: 5-8 ppm
Phosphate: 0.03 ppm
Magnesium: 1450 ppm
calcium: 1425 ppm
Alkalinity: 8 dkh
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
PH: 8.2
salinity: 1.026/35 ppt
Temperature: 78 degree
* nitrate + phosphate fluctuations due to algae bloom being managed with NenoNitro and NeoPhos.

I believe the algae + bacterial bloom has been a stressful environment for my corals and fishes. My Royal gramma looks physically and behaviorally healthy. As for the clowns I first noted some itching/flashing at the face/gills region for the past 2 months with nothing els noticeable… big appetite, full bellies swimming around.

Starting last week I noticed the clowns had white marks on their face/gills and eyes. I suspected flukes. So I continued to monitor and research. I did a 5 minute FW dip with no noticeable dead flukes. Although it appeared the white marks were gone. The following day the skin on their face looked like it was peeling… so it must be brooklynella? Clamped fins and hiding became more apparent. All three of my fishes still have a big appetite as usual. *Royal gramma looks unaffected

I placed an order for ruby reef rally pro and metroplex. I can get my hands on the ruby rally later today but for the metroplex It will take 7 days.

I would like to follow humblefish’s treatment plan for brooklynella but that requires those two medication.

How should I proceed with treatment with the ruby reef rally? How long in treatment is long enough?

I understand ruby reef could possibly fail but It is what i will have on hand. Living in Canada also makes it difficult to purchase fish medication.

I appreciate any help i can possibly get!!

*Pictures were taken post FW dip. My camera cant seem to pick up on all the white marks on their face, gills and eyes*

IMG_8686.jpeg IMG_8690.jpeg IMG_8708.jpeg
Need brighter white light intensity and even a you tube video
Some signs of brooklynella will be heavy breathing, loss of appetite, loss of color and wobbly swim pattern

Jay Hemdal

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Hello, I need some help in regards to my clownfish pair showing signs of brooklynella. Mucus peeling away from face region, occasional flashing against plastic/rubber parts of tank, frayed/clamped fins.

I have a 26 gallon reef with a total of 3 captive bred fishes. Two clownfish and a royal gramma. They were added 2 months ago. This nano reef have been up and running for 5 months now. Its currently going through a bacterial and algae bloom for the past 3 weeks.

No quarantine procedure was done prior to addition to the dp tank. *No livestock at risk.

Nitrate: 5-8 ppm
Phosphate: 0.03 ppm
Magnesium: 1450 ppm
calcium: 1425 ppm
Alkalinity: 8 dkh
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
PH: 8.2
salinity: 1.026/35 ppt
Temperature: 78 degree
* nitrate + phosphate fluctuations due to algae bloom being managed with NenoNitro and NeoPhos.

I believe the algae + bacterial bloom has been a stressful environment for my corals and fishes. My Royal gramma looks physically and behaviorally healthy. As for the clowns I first noted some itching/flashing at the face/gills region for the past 2 months with nothing els noticeable… big appetite, full bellies swimming around.

Starting last week I noticed the clowns had white marks on their face/gills and eyes. I suspected flukes. So I continued to monitor and research. I did a 5 minute FW dip with no noticeable dead flukes. Although it appeared the white marks were gone. The following day the skin on their face looked like it was peeling… so it must be brooklynella? Clamped fins and hiding became more apparent. All three of my fishes still have a big appetite as usual. *Royal gramma looks unaffected

I placed an order for ruby reef rally pro and metroplex. I can get my hands on the ruby rally later today but for the metroplex It will take 7 days.

I would like to follow humblefish’s treatment plan for brooklynella but that requires those two medication.

How should I proceed with treatment with the ruby reef rally? How long in treatment is long enough?

I understand ruby reef could possibly fail but It is what i will have on hand. Living in Canada also makes it difficult to purchase fish medication.

I appreciate any help i can possibly get!!

*Pictures were taken post FW dip. My camera cant seem to pick up on all the white marks on their face, gills and eyes*

IMG_8686.jpeg IMG_8690.jpeg IMG_8708.jpeg

A video under white light will help.

When there are fish in a tank showing damage, and one that doesn’t, you need to consider tankmate aggression. You may never see it actually happen, just see the signs.

Flukes could be an issue, but gramma are more prone to flukes than clownfish are. Also, not seeing them in a dip doesn’t rule flukes out, as only one species (Neobenedenia) is large enough to see without a microscope.


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I would like to follow humblefish’s treatment plan for brooklynella but that requires those two medication.

How should I proceed with treatment with the ruby reef rally? How long in treatment is long enough?

From experience - I would say if you have chosen a path - it's best to follow that path and ask people familiar with that path. I'm not sure what you're asking - and since I don't know the doses, etc - it's hard to answer. I would suggest that the Humblefish's protocol would explain what to do. Best wishes for your fish


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A video under white light will help.

When there are fish in a tank showing damage, and one that doesn’t, you need to consider tankmate aggression. You may never see it actually happen, just see the signs.

Flukes could be an issue, but gramma are more prone to flukes than clownfish are. Also, not seeing them in a dip doesn’t rule flukes out, as only one species (Neobenedenia) is large enough to see without a microsc

Need brighter white light intensity and even a you tube video
Some signs of brooklynella will be heavy breathing, loss of appetite, loss of color and wobbly swim pattern
Video of my clowns:
Their breathing, color and swimming appears normal to me. This also is my first time keeping saltwater fishes. They eat like little piggies. I hope the posted video helps.

Aggression could be a possibility but they both seem to have mucus/skin peeling on their face. I tend to see the bigger clown being the aggressor with the smaller constantly submitting.

Update on royal gramma, pectoral fins and caudal fin appears very slightly frayed. Still have a big appetite.

Jay Hemdal

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Video of my clowns:
Their breathing, color and swimming appears normal to me. This also is my first time keeping saltwater fishes. They eat like little piggies. I hope the posted video helps.

Aggression could be a possibility but they both seem to have mucus/skin peeling on their face. I tend to see the bigger clown being the aggressor with the smaller constantly submitting.

Update on royal gramma, pectoral fins and caudal fin appears very slightly frayed. Still have a big appetite.
The video didn’t show me anything alarming, but I’m on my phone and they are pretty small on my screen.


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Video of my clowns:
Their breathing, color and swimming appears normal to me. This also is my first time keeping saltwater fishes. They eat like little piggies. I hope the posted video helps.

Aggression could be a possibility but they both seem to have mucus/skin peeling on their face. I tend to see the bigger clown being the aggressor with the smaller constantly submitting.

Update on royal gramma, pectoral fins and caudal fin appears very slightly frayed. Still have a big appetite.
Can be from fighting/territorial aggression on gramma. The clowns on a large screen appear to have early stage brook. The most significant sign is the amount of slime on its body which is noticeable on the fish. This mucus generally starts at the facial area as well as gills and spreads across the body producing lesions as it progresses often confused with ich and can turn into secondary bacteria. Other symptoms will be lethargic behavior, refusing to eat and heavy breathing from the mucus.
Since a formalin solution is often not available for immediate use, temporary relief can be achieved by giving the fish a FW bath or dip in water same temperature as display tank. Even though this treatment will not cure the disease, it can help to remove some of the parasites, as well as reduce the amount of mucus in the gills to assist with respiration problems.
Treatment is best done in a QT tank using either quick cure (more effective but now harder to find) or Ruby Rally Pro. Ruby takes a little longer and initial treatment generally takes 2-3 days to really start going to work.


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The video didn’t show me anything alarming, but I’m on my phone and they are pretty small on my screen.
I took a few still shot from the video. Uploading the video online seem to mess with the quality
Can be from fighting/territorial aggression on gramma. The clowns on a large screen appear to have early stage brook. The most significant sign is the amount of slime on its body which is noticeable on the fish. This mucus generally starts at the facial area as well as gills and spreads across the body producing lesions as it progresses often confused with ich and can turn into secondary bacteria. Other symptoms will be lethargic behavior, refusing to eat and heavy breathing from the mucus.
Since a formalin solution is often not available for immediate use, temporary relief can be achieved by giving the fish a FW bath or dip in water same temperature as display tank. Even though this treatment will not cure the disease, it can help to remove some of the parasites, as well as reduce the amount of mucus in the gills to assist with respiration problems.
Treatment is best done in a QT tank using either quick cure (more effective but now harder to find) or Ruby Rally Pro. Ruby takes a little longer and initial treatment generally takes 2-3 days to really start going to work.
How long should i keep them in QT tank medicated with ruby rally pro?

Im planning on medicating all three fishes and keeping my DP tank fallow for 75 days. Would u guys approve of this plan? Thank you guys so much for the assistance!!


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I took a few still shot from the video. Uploading the video online seem to mess with the quality

How long should i keep them in QT tank medicated with ruby rally pro?

Im planning on medicating all three fishes and keeping my DP tank fallow for 75 days. Would u guys approve of this plan? Thank you guys so much for the assistance!!
Medicate all yes and Keep them there at least 3-4 weeks minimum up to 6 weeks. Leave display tank without fish (coral and inverts can remain) as brook is a parasite often found in wild caught fish