Cloudy Water tried everything. Need Help!


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Sep 12, 2019
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Even with improper flow rates and a 10 month old bulb, a UV shouldve been able to clear up the cloudiness (if bacterial) just a lot slower unless the sleeve is dirty/covered in precipitates (in which case it's ineffective)

A measly old 15w I had in storage (unknown bulb age but far from new) made a difference pretty quickly being fed from a manifold in a 470g display (650g total system volume).

Do keep in mind that ozone from my experiences will not clear a bacterial bloom since generally the ozone has a lot to react with in seawater besides bacteria (at safe dosage).

Have you done a nutrient check? Since you dosed enough lanthanum to cloud the water I think it's possible that some organisms have died from the precipitates (such as vermetids) resulting in a very temporary spike in ammonia which allowed the bacteria to grow uncontrollably. While not likely (not impossible though) some lanthanum precipitates could be causing this as well.

Would strongly suggest at minimum to increase surface agitation somehow until it's sorted out and consider diluting + dripping lanthanum into a fine sock or feed of a reactor for future use. Those precipitates aren't fun for fish gills.