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Apr 25, 2021
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I agree with the above. It’s not that the contest was ran poorly, just that it seems like our effort for entry was thrown out because we apparently missed a detail.

My reccomendation for improvement would simply clarify what are requirements for 1 initial entry and what are bonus entries.

Similar to above, where first requirement: register and follow all sponsors. You now have one entry.

Bonus entry:
Share the giveaway post on all listed social media platforms (IG, FB, TikTok, Whatever it may be). You now earn a bonus entry.

Or if you want to keep the point system:

Simply state in the registration process that to earn an entry you must reach “X” points. And that each week additional tasks will be posted worth points. Additionally state that only those who reach “X” points will be entered for the drawing.

Following the point system: The only other recommendation is to be careful with how a post is worded. For example in some of the posts quoted above, instead of labeling them as entry methods, labeling as new points opportunities.

Still sticking with the points system: For every “X” points over the minimum points you earn a bonus entry.

As for cheating, you’re going to have that in every contest. I think the points system was added to alleviate this (if I understand your post correctly) which I understand completely to make it more work than it’s worth. Perhaps make contests R2R only, not to alienate customers but make part of the registration, must register on R2R and post to this thread. I’m just spitballing at this point but just my thoughts for improvement


Marine Aquariums Made Easy!
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Oct 14, 2013
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Denver, Colorado
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I think the way the contest was run was fine for the most part. The only thing that people were upset with was that their entry points were, in their eyes, kind of thrown out the window.
The only improvement I would recommend is to have a scheduled drop for the additional tasks. That creates a few site visits each week or so & keeps people engaged, rather than just checking back the last day. I'd assume having each person comeback at least once a week to solidify their interest, visit sponsors websites, learn about a new product, etc. would be ideal for you & the other sponsors. For example you could set it up like this:
  1. First week - Make sure they're following all the sponsors. (A lot of people already are anyway)
  2. Second week - History/About us/OurTanks
  3. Third Week - New/Spotlight Products
  4. Fourth Week - Here's how each company is helping to restore the reefs and/or help with aquaculturing. (You can use a giveaway to send traffic to lesser known products, articles about each company, "which pods are right for you", etc.)
As for referrals, I think "bonus points" for referrals, purchases, etc would be best. That way your active customers are rewarded, while non-customers still have a shot, but would have to complete all (or almost all) the tasks. It could also push people thinking about buying something over the edge.

Last thing is knowing how many points you have in relation to total potential would be nice.
I like your 4th week suggest a lot! Also we did have our updates on a schedule of every Monday so there was something new every week. Do you think a different day would work better? We will reach out to the campaign form creator to see about the displaying points option.
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%