I have always considered red & green as festive colors. So I decided on ornamental seaweed mixed garden lagoon. As a way to cure diver collected “living rock” for introduction to 25yr mature 75G tank and 5yr mature 120G tank, I started up two tanks to cure 50 lbs of diver collected live sand & 100 lbs of live rock. Thank you Dan Sanchez at Gulf Live Rock, who collected on Easter Monday and I received on Tuesday morning less than 24 hours removed from 30’ of water 30 miles west of Tampa Bay.
Before receiving live rock & live sand, I set up 55G tank with reverse flow ug filter with 50 lbs of dry aroggonite and using ammonia & bottled bacteria established nitrification bacteria. Ten days later, during first week in April of this year, I started two ornamental seaweed lagoons. Less than one week ago, the 55G lagoon had a partial sexual event with fast growing
Red Gracilaria and some Caulerpa Paspoidies went sexual clouding water preventing seeing back glass. Since the lights had just come on, I added 20 ml of ammonia to aid growth of healthy macro during photosynthesis. Within 6 hours of lights on, display tank water was crystal clear. Later on that day, I did serious pruning to remove decomposing macro and transferred much Red Grapes to lower light 30G ornamental seaweed lagoon. I also transferred 1G of Red Macros to 75G mixed garden with much Green Star Polyps to contrast Red Grapes & Red Gracilaria.
Before receiving live rock & live sand, I set up 55G tank with reverse flow ug filter with 50 lbs of dry aroggonite and using ammonia & bottled bacteria established nitrification bacteria. Ten days later, during first week in April of this year, I started two ornamental seaweed lagoons. Less than one week ago, the 55G lagoon had a partial sexual event with fast growing
Red Gracilaria and some Caulerpa Paspoidies went sexual clouding water preventing seeing back glass. Since the lights had just come on, I added 20 ml of ammonia to aid growth of healthy macro during photosynthesis. Within 6 hours of lights on, display tank water was crystal clear. Later on that day, I did serious pruning to remove decomposing macro and transferred much Red Grapes to lower light 30G ornamental seaweed lagoon. I also transferred 1G of Red Macros to 75G mixed garden with much Green Star Polyps to contrast Red Grapes & Red Gracilaria.