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What about the pair I have, and a black storm/mocha storm pair

Not sure how many times experienced people can rephrase but I will try ;)

If you have more than two clowns (who cares what kind, what order they are added or what their mix is, mated or not) - heavy odds are that there will be murder until 2 remain.

Are there exceptions? Sure a broken clock is right twice a day and there are lionesses who take care of stray puppies... would your let you puppy into a lions den?

Tank size can matter, but the difference between a 29 and 120 isn't a distinction...
Nutramar Foods


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Tedious but Tedious doesn’t mean much when you’re passionate about it. This was very interesting and informative, thank you! So would you do the same thing if I introduced a new pair? Or two new ones at the same time rather like a black storm mocha storm duo?
Sorry bud, I was under the impression we were talking about a bigger tank. I really don’t think it’s doable for you in a 30gallon. Minimum tank size for pushing past 2 clowns would be 75 gallons in my books, and even then it only works with heavily rock filled aquariums, with a lot of hiding spots, not the airy aquascapes that are popular these days. 90 gallons for a decent harem tank with minimal fighting.
Again I apologize, it was highly irresponsible and incorrect of me to give the advice in my previous post without checking your tank size. If you followed the advice in my previous post you’d probably have to leave the mirrors up indefinitely to dispel aggression, which I’ve never done and would be pretty obstructive of your viewing. Plus you’d have to make sure no algae was growing on the glass inside the tank by the mirror or they lose their effectiveness. To top it off I’m pretty sure even fish would wise up to the mirrors in the long run.


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Sorry bud, I was under the impression we were talking about a bigger tank. I really don’t think it’s doable for you in a 30gallon. Minimum tank size for pushing past 2 clowns would be 75 gallons in my books, and even then it only works with heavily rock filled aquariums, with a lot of hiding spots, not the airy aquascapes that are popular these days. 90 gallons for a decent harem tank with minimal fighting.
Again I apologize, it was highly irresponsible and incorrect of me to give the advice in my previous post without checking your tank size. If you followed the advice in my previous post you’d probably have to leave the mirrors up indefinitely to dispel aggression, which I’ve never done and would be pretty obstructive of your viewing. Plus you’d have to make sure no algae was growing on the glass inside the tank by the mirror or they lose their effectiveness. To top it off I’m pretty sure even fish would wise up to the mirrors in the long run.
It’s alright, I should have mentioned that to begin with since tank size plays prob the most vital role in what fish you can have period lol


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Not sure how many times experienced people can rephrase but I will try ;)

If you have more than two clowns (who cares what kind, what order they are added or what their mix is, mated or not) - heavy odds are that there will be murder until 2 remain.

Are there exceptions? Sure a broken clock is right twice a day and there are lionesses who take care of stray puppies... would your let you puppy into a lions den?

Tank size can matter, but the difference between a 29 and 120 isn't a distinction...
I see what you’re saying there’s an exception to every rule
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


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Jul 16, 2009
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I see what you’re saying there’s an exception to every rule
That was not really the point....

The point was that just because you can seek the answer that you want to hear and finally get somebody to agree, does not mean that it is the correct answer ;)

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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