Bubble Algae, Vibrant, and Refugiums


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Jun 15, 2020
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Looking for folks with experience with vibrant for bubble algae. Came in on a frag or two, cleaned & peroxide dipped what I could, but it seems to have made it to the main rock work anyway. Its not bad yet, just 2 small patches I can see, so probably a few others I cannot. I don't trust emerald crabs, too many horror stories + LFS warnings. I read all about the vibrant scandal and what have you, don't know what any final conclusions were, but it seems that the product works on bubble algae so I'm fine to try it. I do have a refugium with chaeto, and I understand vibrant will kill it as well as any other algea, but not the zooxanthellae in the coral. I've also read some claim to have lost corals due to vibrant, but seems like a YMMV sort of thing. I'm still keeping an eye on the bubble algae for now, not sure if I want to risk vibrant causing any harm, but I want to do whatever research and planning I can now.

I think my plan is simple enough but maybe you all have some advice or tips or something I'm not thinking about, so wanted to post here.
  • Manually remove as much chaeto and other algae as I can from the tank & the refugium.
  • I plan to order brand new chaeto, so as to not risk bubble algae spores surviving were I to try and reuse my old chaeto
  • I will run vibrant for as long as needed to 100% eradicate the bubble algae. Couple questions:
    • I've read ~3 weeks will do it - does that sound right? Does this mean the bubble algae are gone forever unless I somehow reintroduce them? Or does anyone have experience with them resiliently returning after some time?
    • I hear some people dose vibrant long term. I depend on my refugium for nutrient export, I guess anyone dosing vibrant all the time is using other means of export? Any experience here using it long term vs a refugium?
  • When I stop using vibrant, how long would you suggest I wait before re-introducing the new chaeto? I've read large water changes and carbon can help. Just wondering how to be confident newly added chaeto won't just die.
Thanks again in advance everyone!
I had a massive bubble algae bloom going on in my nano. Dropped 2 emeralds in and they were useless.

Started dosing recommended dose (.5 ml) every 3 days along with doing my weekly 10% water change. Bubble algae began falling off rocks in masses and either ended up in my filter dock or in sandbed and vacuumed it out with water change.
I have just a little stragglers left but should be completed in another week or so. Corals look good, no harm to my livestock.

You need to remove your macro and either drop it in a barrel with a light, pump and of course saltwater to keep it going. Vibrant will kill your macro.

It’s not a quick process but you can dose at recommended rate every 3 days and after about 6-8 weeks you should be back to normal.

I’ve attached some before and after pics.
