You nailed it!Nice pickups! Can’t wait for pics!
So the regime basically is:
Temp aclimate in bags for 30 minutes
Then bayer dip from Lowe’s or ace hardware in the ratio 15 ml to 1/2 cup of tank water.
Pour the bag water the frags came in into a separate container.
Put the frags into the bayer for 10 minutes .
Rinse them in another container of clean tank water to try to remove all of the bayer
Most of the time, use bone cutters to remove the frag attached to the frag glue from the plug and put it on a new plug/ tile
Use a flashlight to inspect frags for ANY pests ( don’t trust ANY vendor!)
If the frag is clean you place it and watch it get settled in and start to grow
If you ever see eggs with the flashlight I’d probably just toss the coral.