Biota Radial Filefish eating corals

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May 3, 2020
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My biota radial filefish nipped at my clove polyps for a while, then he got tired of that. He also nips at my blue sympodium, but seems to be doing it less over time. He does not destroy them, just nips a little. He liked to sleep/hide in the xenia when he was in my quarantine/growout tank, but he did not damage them. He has not bothered any other corals (LPS and softies).

My biota aiptasia-eating filefish intermittently munches on aiptasia, but not enough to control their numbers. She also munches on my Duncanopsammia which is regressing and will eventually die I think. I like the filefish more than the Duncan though, so she gets to stay. She does not bother any other corals. I explained to her that if she starts nipping the Goni's she will need to find a new home, and so far she has behaved.

Almost any fish is something of a risk, their behaviors and appetites vary.


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Jun 28, 2021
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Almost any fish is something of a risk, their behaviors and appetites vary.

This is very true. Hobbyist have to know what their respected tolerance level is as it relates to what we put in our boxes. I have both radial and matted and observed similar as noted here. Radial sleeps in GSP while matted sleeps in corky sea fingers. Both latch down on a stalk to either float or snuggle in the gentle night time flow.


Jake At Biota
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Jul 24, 2020
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Fort Lauderdale
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Duncanopsammia is too tempting with those tentacles, that's one I usually don't recommend with Aiptasia eating files.

@ReefStache has one of our Radial files, and it leaves his Goniopora alone as far as I know.

Also, @Shakerbreakersreef on Instagram has a pair of our Radial Files and reports that they've been totally reef safe so far.

From what customers have reported, the Aiptasia eating filefish are less reef safe, and the Radials are mostly reef safe with some exceptions.


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Jun 30, 2020
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Mine is doing great in a mixed reef tank. There’s always exceptions though I guess. I once had a purple tang eat all of my rainbow acans. lol

My Biota radial filefish enjoys goni hopping. He goes from one colony to the next and is one of my fave fishes right now. lol


Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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