Beginner Fluval Evo Build

World Wide Corals


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Two days post thermo “disaster”. All livestock still living and some interesting developments!

I saw my nassarius for the first time in 3 weeks last night so he’s definitely still working his magic under the sand. The crab has left its shell for another (which I think is too big) and the first times of coralline algae is appearing on some of the snail shells I put in a weeks ago!

Still battling cyano, cleaning the glass and disturbing the sand bed + changing filter floss every other day in hope I can pull most of it out. I’ll be expanding my CUC team this week.

During the water changes over the weekend I also scrubbed all of my equipment and now my return pump is kicking up and sandstorm, think I’ll need to tinker with it to keep maximum flow without causing hills :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:

Will need to clean the outside of the glass aswell to get rid of the salt streaks from some spillages recently.

Fingers crossed the thermometer crisis was just a slight worry and everything is going to be okay!


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Happy update!

Brought down my water change regiment from 40~% to 20% to try and keep things slightly more stable.

All livestock are pretty happy (although I haven’t seen my hermit in his shiny new shell since Friday).

Brown algae on sand seems to be slowing down growth. Previously I’d have it all cleared with weekly maintenance and 24 hours later it would be showing its ugly face again. Since yesterday’s WC small patches of brown are forming but much much smaller than the past.

I’m 99.9% sure I have a small patch of cyano too, considering dosing H2O2 if it doesn’t retreat now I have my nutrients at a more acceptable level (Nitrates: ~5ppm, Phosphates: ~0.01ppm)

Exciting day today! I visited a new LFS and I think I’ve found my regular. Awesome selection of fish, corals, CUC, equipment and the staff were great to chat to! Many thanks to @ying yang for the recommendation, great to meet you!

I picked up 2 Trochus snails (these seem MUCH happier than the previous attempt), 1 cerith snail and 1 nassarius snail. I asked for 2 cerith snails instead of nassarius but I suppose it’s an easy mistake to make!
The Trochus are absolute machines and have already started chewing through algae and polishing the rockwork.

The tank is also no longer a FOWLR, I’ve made the plunge into the coral world!:cool:

1x frag of Rasta Zoas (roughly 11 heads)

1x frag of Utter Chaos Zoas (4 heads)

Only £20 each! (+10% discount for a promotional day the LFS was having)

They are crudely wedged into an extra piece of rock in my tank just to get them settled until I can prep their final home.

I picked up a small snap of branching reef rock to drill some frag holes into (any advice on this much appreciated!). This will have the Zoas populate the structure and will hopefully be a smaller version of @The Reef Dork ’s famous “Zoa C*ck” :D


All in all a very successful week after the thermometer scare and one very happy beginner reefer!
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Nutramar Foods

ying yang

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Very much welcome,and great to meet you also and put face to a name ha ha,couldn't believe it as came over to that one particular coral tank just at exact same time you mentioned same thing you did to me on this site,that's bizarre lol,then I'm like no way.
But yeah it a brilliant store.
I got a couple of different snails also,I think what it is because that guy you was speaking to usually works in the warehouse and wasn't well informed on names of corals,snails etc ( that's if it was him who bagged them up for you) as so many customers over the weekend they needed all staff they could get to help out.but usually they only got 3- 4 members of staff and they all generally know what's what with corals,fish and cuc etc.
I've had 2 snails die also but mine due to them having algae on their back and hermits hanging off their backs and just newly accustomed/ aclimintised to tank,they needed little time to settle in but hermits can be savages lol so I'm thinking maybe use a little breeder box/ nursery to keep my snails in for first day/ night just to give them chance aclimintise in peace away from the hermits then if they want to climb out they can.
Did you see that £ 1450.00 acanthylia or whatever was called,size of a football ,maybe even size of a basketball nearly pffft

Anyway good luck with your newly set up tank,hope it comes on nicely for you ^_^


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ying yang

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By the way dont forget check your raffle tickets,I came so close I think 3 times getting with 2- 3 numbers each way,close but no cigar so if you paid for yours just before or just after me then maybe you got something.


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Very much welcome,and great to meet you also and put face to a name ha ha,couldn't believe it as came over to that one particular coral tank just at exact same time you mentioned same thing you did to me on this site,that's bizarre lol,then I'm like no way.
But yeah it a brilliant store.
I got a couple of different snails also,I think what it is because that guy you was speaking to usually works in the warehouse and wasn't well informed on names of corals,snails etc ( that's if it was him who bagged them up for you) as so many customers over the weekend they needed all staff they could get to help out.but usually they only got 3- 4 members of staff and they all generally know what's what with corals,fish and cuc etc.
I've had 2 snails die also but mine due to them having algae on their back and hermits hanging off their backs and just newly accustomed/ aclimintised to tank,they needed little time to settle in but hermits can be savages lol so I'm thinking maybe use a little breeder box/ nursery to keep my snails in for first day/ night just to give them chance aclimintise in peace away from the hermits then if they want to climb out they can.
Did you see that £ 1450.00 acanthylia or whatever was called,size of a football ,maybe even size of a basketball nearly pffft

Anyway good luck with your newly set up tank,hope it comes on nicely for you ^_^
Yes thought all the staff were great and coped very well if the amount of people in the store. The £1450 coral could have been a good investment, get some frags off of it and keep selling! If only money grew on trees rather than in tanks :grinning-squinting-face:

I had ticket 753 so was close a few times but no joy here. The skimmer or frag tank would have been awesome!
Nutramar Foods

ying yang

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Aw shame,you just missed out also,its nice winning stuff for nothing ha ha .

And if only money grew on trees that be sweet ^_^

Actually wait where I'm from money doesn't grow on trees but it's in trees ha ha

Here you go.its mainly coppers but if you go on a 1-2 hour walk around many different tourist attractions in Yorkshire ( I mean like walkers trails ) you see hundreds of trees with hundreds/ thousands 1p and 2p in each tree so literally thousands pounds worth in them ^_^

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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Reef Breeders