This picture is going to look a lot different than it would’ve yesterday as we added a couple of things. 1, we added 10 snails. 2, we purchased a new light setup. It is the Fluval 58watt sea light. 3: My husband of course opted to purchase the hardiest coral that the fish store suggested. They said since there’s diatoms and our water levels are testing properly that we would be able to support our first pieces of coral so we do have a couple of those in here now as well. We were not using any type of blue lighting prior to this so that is the main change you’ll see in this compared to what it was. I am going to switch it into white light to also give a clear image of the bloom I was seeing. Snails have cleaned the bottom of the tank pretty well overnight. Coral also seems to be doing great and not stressed either.I would definitely recommend more rock, live rock if possible optimally to cut down on the time your cycle will take and make life better for your clownfish harem. If possible, could we get a picture of your setup? What are your long-term goals and desires with this tank, what are your hopes and plans, and do you have a stocking list of things you want to add? Best of luck, and welcome to the hobby!