So awile ago i bought a stoney coral and its been thriving so after visiting my LFS recently and saw they had this beautiful clam (they dont normally stock it but a new lad has taken over the coral side of the shop)
Its only 2inches in size (lads we can agree thats quite large) so in my head i thought of the basic stuff like wave my hand over the top of the tank and it retracted immediately and that if im supporting a stoney coral it should survive.
So i've got it home and acclimated it to my tank water and drip acclimatised to the parameters and checked for any hitchhikers and placed it in a nice little spot on the rock work within an hour or 2 it had opened up and was happy as larry (From what i can tell)
So my main question is obviously how fast will they move to find a spot they are truly happy like do they move within 5 mins of placing or does it take a few hours before they choose to find a better placement.
If they do move do i just leave them till they are positioned or will they require help
Will they be alright to sit on sand or will bristleworms eat them.
(From what i can tell its a derasa clam)
Its only 2inches in size (lads we can agree thats quite large) so in my head i thought of the basic stuff like wave my hand over the top of the tank and it retracted immediately and that if im supporting a stoney coral it should survive.
So i've got it home and acclimated it to my tank water and drip acclimatised to the parameters and checked for any hitchhikers and placed it in a nice little spot on the rock work within an hour or 2 it had opened up and was happy as larry (From what i can tell)
So my main question is obviously how fast will they move to find a spot they are truly happy like do they move within 5 mins of placing or does it take a few hours before they choose to find a better placement.
If they do move do i just leave them till they are positioned or will they require help
Will they be alright to sit on sand or will bristleworms eat them.
(From what i can tell its a derasa clam)