I just added a smallish bannerfish 2 weeks ago. Slightly larger than my existing coral beauty and pair of clownfishes. The bannerfish is harassing both clowns and CB, to the point the smaller of the 2 clownfish is now hiding under the LR and hasn't eaten in 3 days. The larger clownfish and CB, although also being harassed continue to eat normally. Due to the number of LR, I'm unable to catch the smaller clown, so it's pretty much doomed if it doesn't start eating. It won't even swim out during feeding time. I've researched bannerfish and everything I've read stated they are peaceful and compatible with the fishes I already have. I'm not sure why the one I got is so mean?? I have a 75 gallon tank and the bannerfish is small enough where I think the tank is large enough for at least a few years before it outgrows the tank. Any ideas how to stop the bullying? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.