Auto Fleece Roller Setup Walkthrough for AIO Needed


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Nov 27, 2023
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Is there someone that can walk me through how to properly setup my automatic fleece roller, specifically how to determine the correct height to place the ATO float switch in the rear chamber of my AIO?

I have a 20 Gallon IM Nuvo Fusion Pro 2 AIO. Currently I have the Tunze Nano ATO float switch located in the third and final chamber (return chamber) in the rear of the AIO. I just received my Reef n Rolll Automatic fleece roller. I've been searching and reading different threads with concerns and questions about how/where to properly place the ATO float switch to compensate for the back up of water in the first chamber (decrease of water level in the final/return chamber) due to the fleece clogging. From what I've read I should wait until the fleece is clogged and the the water level in the first chamber (where the fleece roller is located) rises to level where it will trigger the roller to advance, and then adjust the ATO float switch in the return chamber to the level where the water is at in the return chamber.

My question, besides confirming the above is correct, is how do I continue to top off properly while waiting for the fleece to clog enough to back up and fill the first chamber completely? In a larger system or system with a sump, as referenced in most of the posts I've found, this seems easier. In a 20 gallon AIO it seems a little more tricky. My system evaporates around half a gallon a day. That's a lot of evaporation and swing in salinity for a nano 20G system if I go a day or more without topping off. It takes my filter floss a few days to back up and get clogged. Also, I'm not sure how the two overflows affect this scenario. The Nuvo has an overflow on each side of the rear of the tank. Only one side will have the fleece roller, the other side has filter floss over the IM UV sterilizer.

If someone has experience doing this setup in a Nuvo or could walk me through this process, so I can avoid stressing out my tank while trying to figure this out, it would be greatly appreciated! TIA!

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