Apex Programming to notify you when your filter roller is empty.


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Jan 23, 2021
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I could not find programming for this anywhere so I thought I would post it here in case someone wants to do the same.
Ok I have a basement fish/sump room. I have larger dosing containers, and I don't go down there but once or twice a week to do maintenance. My problem was my SK-5000 filter roll would run out and let a lot of nutrients get into my sump causing nitrates and phosphates to increase. I wanted a way to have an alarm go off via my Apex. (I can't hear nor see the little alarm on the SK-5000 controller from upstairs.) What I did was write a program that seems to be working. It is based off watts used by the outlet. If it doesn't use any watts for 60 minutes it alarms me via push notification. (When the roll runs out of course the water level drops in the filter and it never needs to advance, thus not using any wattage.)

SK_5000_Filt is the EB832 Outlet Name
I created a virtual outlet and named it Replace_Filt

Here is the code for Replace_Filt

Set Off
If Output SK_5000_Filt Watts < 1 Then On
Defer 060:00 Then On

I then went to my Email Alarm and put this line in to send me notification.

If Output Replace_Filt = On Then On

Essentially if the filter roller doesn't advance at least once ever 60 minute period it will notify me. That could be adjusted to any duration to suit your needs. My filter roll advances several times an hour so this works for me. I hope this helps somebody. I'm a little slow at this kind of stuff, and I would have greatly appreciated finding this before I had to figure out how to write it on my own.


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Jan 23, 2021
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I could not find programming for this anywhere so I thought I would post it here in case someone wants to do the same.
Ok I have a basement fish/sump room. I have larger dosing containers, and I don't go down there but once or twice a week to do maintenance. My problem was my SK-5000 filter roll would run out and let a lot of nutrients get into my sump causing nitrates and phosphates to increase. I wanted a way to have an alarm go off via my Apex. (I can't hear nor see the little alarm on the SK-5000 controller from upstairs.) What I did was write a program that seems to be working. It is based off watts used by the outlet. If it doesn't use any watts for 60 minutes it alarms me via push notification. (When the roll runs out of course the water level drops in the filter and it never needs to advance, thus not using any wattage.)

SK_5000_Filt is the EB832 Outlet Name
I created a virtual outlet and named it Replace_Filt

Here is the code for Replace_Filt

Set Off
If Output SK_5000_Filt Watts < 1 Then On
Defer 060:00 Then On

I then went to my Email Alarm and put this line in to send me notification.

If Output Replace_Filt = On Then On

Essentially if the filter roller doesn't advance at least once ever 60 minute period it will notify me. That could be adjusted to any duration to suit your needs. My filter roll advances several times an hour so this works for me. I hope this helps somebody. I'm a little slow at this kind of stuff, and I would have greatly appreciated finding this before I had to figure out how to write it on my own.
I have since went back and changed the defer to 30 minutes it just seems to work better for some reason?