Apex Programming - Can't control COR20 flow rate / UV sterilizer programming


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Aug 23, 2023
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Hello Reef2reef'ers.

I'm trying to learn everything I can about my aquarium and all the Neptune/Apex components and the fusion system, but unfortunately I'm only able to do it a chunk at a time as my LFS did the initial install 18 months ago. Please bear with me if my questions don't make sense, or if I am missing something obvious. There is a birdsnest of wires in my controller cabinet of my RedSea 625, so it's very hard to trace lines. This may make helping me a bit more difficult, but here goes.

I have two questions related to the installation of my UV sterilizer:

I've plumbed my Lifegard 90W directly through my COR20 return pump. The first problem I'm having is that I'm not able to control my flow rate via changing the power percentage on the return pump.

As you can see, I have it set at 10% here, but whether I have it at 10% of 90% it's pumping right at 600 gallons per hour.. I'm measuring this with a third party rotometer, but I have no reason to believe it isn't working exactly as intended.

Furthermore the buttons on the Cor20 manual controller don't have any affect on the the little light dots on the controller, and no affect on the flow rate. What am I missing.

Onto my sterilizer. Here is what I programmed into the configuration. Does it look correct to only be on when the Cor20 (referenced above) is on?


The problem is when I set it to 'auto' the sterilizer didn't turn on.. I had to switch it to 'on', then it turned on, and then when I switched it back to auto, it stays on.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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Problems seem solved.

I plugged my Cor directly into the wall instead of into the Apex controller where it was. Then I ran the Cor wizard again.. After that I had full functionality.

Sterilizer coding seems to be working just right as well.

Thanks! I would delete this, but just in case anyone has the same problems, I'll leave it up :)