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Jun 23, 2016
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I have a pair of cc flame tip clones that were delayed in shipping. So instead of arriving Tuesday morning they didn't arrive until Wednesday morning.
Upon arrival their water was extremely cloudy and discolored. But as I am not one to give up easily I immediately started to get them fresh tank water much faster than I normally would but considering the condition that they arrived in I felt it was the best solution.
After two hours of repeated water changes the water was finally staying clear. Upon suggestion of someone who I trust the advice of I put them in a basket in my display to get them good flow. They did both try attaching and inflating. One appears to have suffered damage to the column and tentacles but seems to be improving by the day. Unfortunately it's the other one that I'm really concerned about and last night decided to remove from my display.
From the beginning it clearly looked like it had melted. Even with flow it's not recovering much. 1/4 of it looks like the other one. But 3/4 if it is rolled up over itself. And as of Saturday (4 days after arriving) started trying to get behind my rock work and out of my sight. These are not small anemones and I am concerned about them dying in my display.
My display tank is a 90 gallon with a 30 sump/ frag tank/ refugium I'm running carbon filter pads changing them every other day now, originally daily 10 gallon water changes now doing 5 gallons a day. I'm testing twice daily and running two t5's and two led's (1 actinic, and 1 true lumen 50/50)
My water parameters as of right now are:
Temp 76
Salinity 1.024
Ph 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Alk 10
Calcium 500
Magnesium 1350
Phosphate 0
I'm attaching pictures from arrival and unbagging right through to yesterday. I'll have to move a rock to get pictures showing the nem having issues today since it's crawled into a hole.
I've also ordered cipro, but realized that I have the people stuff here, can I use that? And how do I measure the dosage?
I'm really upset about this, I know that the seller did things right on his end because I called to verify that they were dropped off before the cutoff time, so this is ups'sfault but I'm having a hard time with this and am beyond frustrated. I waited two months for things to work between the seller and myself all the while these were growing in his system into big beautiful nems. I know that he's as upset as I am over the delay and the condition that they arrived in. I'm just really frustrated because if it was my fault like they got into my powerheads I'd understand but I have to pick up ro water at my lfs so now thanks to my husband for carrying I've got a stockpile of 75 gallons of ro water for changes.
I'm just paranoid about my system especially with all my other high end nems in there as well. Pictures are a daily progression of both nems. Through yesterday. 20170308_093042.jpg 20170308_093054.jpg 20170308_093331.jpg 20170308_120202.jpg 20170308_185950.jpg 20170308_192208.jpg 20170312_220448.jpg

Anysuggestions would be greatly appreciated!20170308_093042.jpg 20170308_093042.jpg 20170308_093054.jpg 20170308_093331.jpg

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Top Shelf Aquatics


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I think that they both may make it even though one is obviously more stressed, possibly might even get a split out of that one or maybe even both after all they went through, just keep an eye, if they are both attached that is a good sign, make sure pumps and intakes are covered.
Would like to see some FTS!


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I'll get new pictures this evening, the one that isn't looking good moved into a high flow area. But I am leaving for the next few days so I don't want to risk leaving it in my display tank. One although nothing like what I purchased is at least looking a little better, my tiny morse code maroon is in it and guarding it. I thought about removing the clowns but they have so many that they are overall pretty gentle. And the one who has taken this one over is only about 3/4 inch and the nem is much bigger.
I'm definitely open to any advice, but it's looking like I'm losing the one that was partly melted upon arrival.
My current frustration is I filed a claim for damage with ups and discovered that the seller didn't even insure them for the cost of one. And I haven't heard back from the seller since Monday morning. I have actually been told that I should have just claimed them DOA, unfortunately I am too honest and I am aware that these are harder to find and I'm not the type to give up easily. Especially considering that they were still not completely mush.

I am lucky to have a few other people who I either have purchased from or am now looking forward to buying anemones from that have been a huge help from the time I opened the bag's and have made themselves available to me despite the fact that I sometimes forgot they are not in the same time zone.
And others who have been a great ear to allow me to vent.
This has become a huge source of time and money that I never planned on especially considering that this is not something that was caused by my system or failure. I am fully aware of problems that can be caused by shipping but it's a huge stretch to even imagine the one that is improving (at least compared to the other) is the same one that I purchased.

I've had doa before, but even doa it looked like what I purchased, is there any way to compare the two I have to the pictures I purchased for comparison? I am not going to post the sellers pictures publicly but would appreciate any help via pm.

New Pictures coming this evening


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It's a common issue these days, pics taken under heavy actinics, oversaturation of pics or flat out shopping images.
Often when I see online stuff I look at things like eggcrate, which should be more white rather than purple...
It's kind of a bummer, and I hear/see all too often vendors may blame your lighting or water params or something as to why it does not look same as the pic you bought from.

As to going away w/ doubts, I'd eliminate doubt, remove the nem in question if it appears to be melting, QT it or give away or do whatever, it's just not worth it to come back to a nuked tank IMO


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Thank you, that just verified that what I am doing is correct, however I do have to do what I can to protect the rest of my system. I not only have a collection of high end nems, but acans and chalice's as well several that are irreplaceable.


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I have something coming, but considering this nems condition and I care for my grandpa and uncle several days a week and stay with my grandpa I couldn't leave it in my system while I am gone from home until Friday. So it's currently in a separate tank now.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%